Hey Chris,
Been watching your build over the last couple of years and have been really enjoying the photos of your build, and travels you've been posting. You have finally prompted me to join up here. I have really admired the way you (and your partner) have 'got it done'! You have built a camper from scratch, run up tens of thousands of kilometers, taken in some incredible scenery, and done some amazing hiking trips. In a couple of decades you won't have to worry about wishing you had got out and visited some of the great places in your country. The recent photos from Northern BC are great. Some great scenery, and real soul food.
Very briefly, I spent three years in BC in the late eighties, early nineties based east of Kelowna up Highway 33. I worked building log homes and met a great and diverse group of people. This group that was based in the Okanagen, now live all over BC from Creston in the south, to Smithers in the North. I have been lucky enough to visit Smithers three times, the last time in '05. As stated I have watched your build, and travels, but I got a kick out of the photos and map of your Babine Traverse. My friends from Smithers live right at the top of Driftwood Road east of Smithers. (Not sure if you started there or Smithers Landing Road). Anyway I think the internet is great. I can sit here in rural New Zealand and veiw your photos of places I have been! Only ever did a short hike in that area in late '98 when I was visiting. First photo is fall of '98, second is the veiw of the Telkwa's from my friends place, was Spring '05.
Hope your summer is going well. Things will be warming up in the Okanagen I guess! Thanks again for the great photos. My goal before this decade is up is to get back on Canadian soil and do a road trip from Vancouver to Prudhoe Bay, via Smithers and the Cassiar Highway. Gotta have dreams!
Have a good one!