AmboVan Restarted

New River KTM

Serious score on the RV. Wish I could stuff the V-10 into my 89 E250 just way to much work. I have a picture in my mind as to the swapping into the Ambo can't wait to see the pictures.


Serious score on the RV. Wish I could stuff the V-10 into my 89 E250 just way to much work. I have a picture in my mind as to the swapping into the Ambo can't wait to see the pictures.

Yeah,I'd like to shoe horn that V-10 in my 1990 Mercury Blue Max Cougar.Being that it was sold as a cab chassis,the PCM and/or EEC should be more generic.Which makes swapping that engine easier,but not drop in easy.


Rip and Tear...

Sometimes progress looks like this -


Looks a little like the pictures of Joplin


Want to buy an AC? comes with the roof section...

More of the good bits

A couple more good days, I'll have a full dumpster, a load of steel/aluminum for the scrap yard, a pile of stuff for craigslist, and a cab/chassis that I can get back to my house

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
Way cool! More parts than you could dream of.
Windows doors interior items "a potty" and when you are through sell the extras.

Great build and Interesting ideas that are out of the box!
Keep us posted with the tear down of the rv and the Build up of the ambulance.


man I wish I was better off financially, my van has the Triton V10 with 220,000 k on it and the tranny is starting to go. If you would please PM me the price of the motor and trans... Thanks.... Thomas

New River KTM

Prelisting of parts maybe?

Once you're finished inventorying the parts you want to get rid of can you post up a listing here. I may be interested in electical or cooling items. I'm here in AZ. Thanks


Very cool build. Was the salvage auction in AZ?

I actually got it from the guy who bought it at salvage - he thought that he would strip it to the rails and put a tow flat bed on it, but decided it was too much work. The auction was here in Tucson


Got the first of the parts swapped over, finally got rid of the miserable POS seats that were in there before


Armrests and everything

These had the same height base as the old ones, which means low. So, I built a spacer out of 2x2x1/8 square tubing, and offset the bolts back two inches as well


Defintely at the right height now, and the extra height puts me in the mid-travel of the seat adjustment, instead of still cramped at all the way back. Lots more room in the passenger side as well, although at fully back the seatbelt is a bit too far forward


Sometimes dumb is boundless...

So, after installing those cushy seats, and finally getting some time off, I was super excited to get on the road to the Colorado high country and finally get in some skiing.

Ghetto sleeping platform, ski box

Radar detector, kluged Ipod player, all ready

Unfortunately, late the night before, I went to move the rig, and adjust the headlight before the trip, I drop it into gear, nothing happens. ******? I'm sure some sort of solenoid or sensor has failed, luckily before I left and not on the trip. So, 4am the day I leave, I transfer all the stuff back to the old standby Toyota, and start off knowing that I will have to deal with it when I get back.

Just a little of the goods in Silverton...

Thats what I'm talking about

Top of the Grande

Tracks (I'm lookers left)


So I stop by my diesel mechanic on my way into back into Tucson, just to see if he has an idea of if it is something I might be able to fix myself, or if I have to get the monster towed. Guy #1 agrees that is sounds like some sort of solenoid, and yes, the tranny pan needs to come off to fix it. Crap. Guy #2 is listening, hears my description again (wont go when it drops into any gear, has a bit of a grind getting back into park), asks/confirms that my rig is a 4x4, and tells me to go home and take the transfer case out of neutral. Doh! I must have kicked the stick while installing the radar detector, sitting on the center console. Sure enough, I get home, take the transfer case out of neutral, no problem. At least I didn't get it towed to find that out.

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