An Axe - Seriously?


I like axes, hatchets and tomahawks. The latter are not missiles. Most things are area specific. I can use it for wood any time. A single bit Plumb or double bit axe are great. One side of a double bit is for chopping the other for splitting.


Misery whip or nothing.



If you're doing it for income, or to store enough wood to heat your home, you use the proper tools. A chainsaw and hydraulic splitter.

Chainsaw and hydraulic splitter isnt the entire equation.

I store and burn 4-5 cord a year. I also sell a few cord every year.

While a chainsaw is great for cutting logs to length, and a splitter is great for splitting into burnable sized logs, you still NEED at least one axe or hatchet, as well as a few other tools.

A machete, axe, hatchet, shovel, felling wedges, and a few 6" log rolling bars are all used during the felling and bucking a tree.

Finding a tree to cut down and use for heat is great, but they are hardly ever in a clear enough space to work efficiently and safely once they are down.

Quite often I have to use a machete to clear undergrowth, just to get to the base of the tree.

And after the tree is down, it is much faster and safer to handle any limbs smaller than 2" or so with an axe. Trying to clear those small limbs with a large saw is very dangerous, not to mention a waste of precious fuel if you are out for a day or more cutting.


Cynical old bastard
I love that picture - it says it all

One of my great uncles gave up the family job (cod fishing) as he felt it was too tough a job and went into timber somewhere in Canada. this was back in the late 1800's. He was one of 17 surviving children mind. The family never did hear what happened to him. Zombies maybe. Lot of both sides of the family settled in the US and Canada....


OK - which one of you overlanding aficionado's chose this as your preferred Axe Mounting option? You never know when you might need some firewood...



Stilwell, KS
I have an axe mounted on my trailer. Took me forever to find the one with the right color handle. I never really plan to use it but it looks cool.

hey, I admit it.....................


since the standards and definitions for the axe is getting so loose can we include Ice Axes? Maybe if I mount it on the trailer? :elkgrin:


Expedition Leader
Just try walking in a urban environment with an axe and saying "I'm just ready for the zombies". :Wow1:


Expedition Leader
Just try walking in a urban environment with an axe and saying "I'm just ready for the zombies". :Wow1:

LOL, I had an experience like that not long ago. The nearest shop with enough bench space to sharpen my MAX axe is at a nearby Mall (Mall of Orange). So I thought cool and drove over there one Saturday.... It wasn't until I parked, opened the door and went to grab it that I realized I was about to carry a well used axe right through the heart of a major shopping mall! That was an interesting feeling. Worked out okay though :)


I have an axe mounted on my trailer. Took me forever to find the one with the right color handle. I never really plan to use it but it looks cool.

hey, I admit it.....................

Well, at least make it LOOK used. ;)

LOL, I had an experience like that not long ago. The nearest shop with enough bench space to sharpen my MAX axe is at a nearby Mall (Mall of Orange). So I thought cool and drove over there one Saturday.... It wasn't until I parked, opened the door and went to grab it that I realized I was about to carry a well used axe right through the heart of a major shopping mall! That was an interesting feeling. Worked out okay though :)

How about carrying 2 ice axes on a busy subway train in Montreal. To the uninitiated, they look like instruments of nasty pointy death. All the tough inner city guys move to another car.


Just try walking in a urban environment with an axe and saying "I'm just ready for the zombies". :Wow1:

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