An Axe - Seriously?


So, is that saw your ground plane?

My cousin Vinnie uses it to play campfire music when he is not whackin' killer Zombies with it


Well-known member
I do not understand the attraction to Zombie destruction. Never seen one, do not know that any have ever been sighted. And, some of you are serious.

Some people also believe in things like ghosts, bigfoot, Nessie or honest politicians. None of which may exist, but that shouldn't stop one from being prepared:sombrero:

I may not be a skilled axeman but I do know which end is sharp.....

Paladin said:
I think bow saws, splitting axes and wedges are only for people who are doing it recreationally. If you're doing it for income, or to store enough wood to heat your home, you use the proper tools. A chainsaw and hydraulic splitter.

They all have their place and are important tools. I heated my home in PA with wood for several years and never used a hydraulic splitter. A maul, a sledge and some wedges work wonders, is great exercise(gotta stay strong for the ZA) and a good excuse to get outside....


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Axes are soooo much more epic than shovels. Ever see Conan serving up gory, barbarian fury with a lowly shovel?


We love axes around here. I still use a kiln ax from my grandfather. Its over 100 years old. Made before all of the ax companies merged into bigger ones. Found a plumb ax made for the boy scouts with the original handle. My daughter uses it now. We train for zombie killing every other friday night or on a full moon. Best get ready now than have bite marks on us.


Well-known member
Around camp and home it's the general purpose Fiskars axe for me. I don't use it for felling trees (that's reserved for the Stihl 064) but it does limbing, chops (and very occassionally hammers) and it's easy to sharpen.

For the ZA, I've got a nice archers axe that tucks in your belt. When you run out of arrows the axe becomes the weapon in wartime. One handed, lightweight and quick.

Not it but it looks similar to this. Mine is tucked away with my mail and helm all waiting for the need.....

Tim, if you axe me I'd say your over 1100 now! (1102 at printing)

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