I stand corrected. we live in a republic with a democratic system to elect representative officials.
A Republic with no constitution is just a Democracy, It would be like taking the teacher out of a third grade classroom and holding a popularity contest to see who ruled the roost.
It would start out with ice cream parties and promises for all, but eventually one kid would end up with all the power.
The Republic was designed to keep the teacher in the classroom so to speak, and a balance of power so that each State was accountable to its people first, and the federal government second.
Fast forward and you can clearly see that our Federal government is now way more powerful than State, and even the State leaders must answer to the Feds despite what the people want.
A state representative can try to use the constitution to enforce State rights, but the Feds will withhold funding to that state for not going along, even though its money that the federal IRS took from the state in the first place.
Speed limit laws are just one example, but gun control laws can be enforced in the same manner, despite what the people of that state want.
Checkout the 16th and 17th amendments to see how in 1913 the Republic was chipped away and the tide turned to favor Federal power after the IRS was born.