Hey Folks,
Just wanted to chime into this thread here. I've just gotten some work done with CCV, and I'd encourage any potential customer to go somewhere else. The craftsmanship is very sloppy, and you'll regret it. I had to return my vehicle to get things fixed, and they screwed up AGAIN the 2nd time. Derek did give me a "discount" b/c they screwed up, but now my van is in my local mechanics garage and he's trying to figure out how to fix it. The electric is really messed up, and the mechanic is scratching his head. Derek did say he would help compensate me for anything that was CCV's fault, so I'll follow up on this thread to let you know if he keeps his word on that. Ain't gonna be cheap, and that's just the beginning of the issues I was left with....
I originally drove away with my power locks not working, airbags not working, seatbelt broken, stereo not working & installed very poorly, paint peeling (literally 4 days after it was painted), and the bed / fouton combo that I ordered 12" too short. I'm 6'4" and asked for a 6'5" bed. When I showed up it was more like 5'4". Clearly not going to work. Please note - this is a 2011 van in good condition. No rust, everything WAS working when I brought it into CCV.
It seems like there are a limited number of places that custom van work can get done which is why I ended up going to these guys. They were able to fit me into their schedule without breaking the bank.
As the old saying goes, "Cheap, fast, and high quality.... Pick two" - Well... CCV is cheap and fast.
Go somewhere else. Trust me !!