Hey All,
Stephen here with Colorado Camper Van.
We have been watching this thread and its always difficult to know when to chime in.
I figured I would post something to let everyone here know that we see your comments/responses and we are working hard to change are processes and strategies to create more happy customers.
I hope any and all that are having problems contacting us please try again soon! I am the new sales guy for CCV. I have another full time job that I do so I do not always answer, but PLEASE leave a voicemail. We get TONS of spam calls, so I don't return all missed phone calls. I currently have zero e-mails in my inbox and zero voicemails to return. For those of you working directly with Derek, I would urge you to please contact me first. Derek is over loaded and sometimes he doesn't know how/when to delegate. Please e-mail me at or call the phone number on the coloradocampervan website 970-699-6000.
I do apologies to anyone that has had an unpleasant experience with CCV. We are a small business and going through growing pains. It has been a huge deal for Derek to bring someone like me on and to understand that he cant do it all. Please realize there are really great changes happening right now at CCV to ensure quality and success. We have a dedicated shop manager now too, anyone notice the new website? I know they seem like small steps, but they are none the less steps towards change.
Although we will always strive for the best quality we can, I hope people also understand that we will most likely never be outside van or van specialties. We are geared more towards the users. The users that have an average income and can't afford $60,000 conversions. We offer affordable prices that we think are ethical and moral. We charge fair prices for parts, and believe in helping the customer anyway we can. I hope everyone understands this!
Rest assured that you can talk to me anytime, and if anyone has any issues or concerns I am happy to talk to you on the phone or via e-mail about those concerns.
Thanks and have a great day,