Apple Tablet: iPad


Expedition Leader
When the iPad 3G was launched a month ago, AT&T Mobile announced two service plans for Internet access. The most attractive was $30 a month for unlimited data transfers.

Starting June 7, AT&T announced the $30 plan will be toast, replaced by two new plans.
-- DataPlus service: $15 per month for 200 MB of data transfers, plus $15 for each additional 200 MB
-- DataPro service: $25 for 2 GB, and $15 for each additional 1 GB

Folks lucky enough to be subscribers to the $30 unlimited plan on June 7 will be able to continue for now. The rest of us have to choose from the new plans.

To be fair, AT&T says only 2% of its wireless subscribers move more than 2 GB of data each month. However, if you're planning to view movies and TV shows on your iPad while on the go, or if you're a regular listener to Internet radio while not on WiFi, that 2 GB cap will arrive all too soon.

AT&T will continue to offer access to free WiFi service at 20,000 hotspots around the country to wireless data service subscribers. The hotspots are found at many McDonald's and Starbucks, Barnes and Noble bookstores, and many hotels and airports. See the list of hotspots here

As part of the new data services, AT&T also announced that iPhone data tethering (linking a computer to the Internet via your iPhone) will be offered for $20 a month extra with the DataPro service. The tethering plan will be available when Apple releases the 4.0 version of the iPhone OS. So now you'll be able to officially link your iPad to the web via the iPhone, no "jailbreaking" required.

Update: AT&T says the iPad will not be allowed to tether to the iPhone. Exactly how AT&T will know what device is attached to the iPhone was not revealed. I expect a hacked workaround to this "feature" to appear shortly.

AT&T's plan follows an announcement by Verizon that "unlimited" data service is not in their future plans. People will have to pay for each byte of data. My advice is to jump on the $30 unlimited data service before June 7 if you plan to regularly use the iPad outside the house.


Expedition Leader
Here's a cheap but serviceable bag for an iPad that you might use
to keep dirt and moisture at bay while in the car, or around camp.
It's made from a 1 gallon zip-to-close clear freezer storage bag, duct
tape (of course), and a hole punch. The iPad screen will respond to
your touch through the plastic bag.

The article suggests using two or three Velcro loops to hang the
bagged iPad, but any cord will work, too.

The idea comes from The Unofficial Apple Weblog, "TUAW" for short.


Expedition Leader
Now AT&T says that anyone who _orders_ an iPad before June 7 will be permitted to join the $30 unlimited data plan. Is this reason enough to order an iPad now? It all depends on how you plan to use it.

If you intend to stream audio and video to your iPad over 3G (rather than via WiFi) on a regular basis, then the $30 unlimited plan will save you money. The alternative, the Datapro plan, costs $25 for the first 2 GB of data transfers, and $10 for each additional GB.

The $30 plan has no long term contract, so if you discover that 2 GB is enough, then you can switch to the Datapro plan without penalty.


Now AT&T says that anyone who _orders_ an iPad before June 7 will be permitted to join the $30 unlimited data plan. Is this reason enough to order an iPad now? It all depends on how you plan to use it.

If you intend to stream audio and video to your iPad over 3G (rather than via WiFi) on a regular basis, then the $30 unlimited plan will save you money. The alternative, the Datapro plan, costs $25 for the first 2 GB of data transfers, and $10 for each additional GB.

The $30 plan has no long term contract, so if you discover that 2 GB is enough, then you can switch to the Datapro plan without penalty.

Have a link for that info? Went to buy 3G ipad today (they were out) and I asked the sales rep. He said it had to be activated before the 7th to get the unlimited plan.


Expedition Leader
Have a link for that info? Went to buy 3G ipad today (they were out) and I asked the sales rep. He said it had to be activated before the 7th to get the unlimited plan.

I didn't find a direct link, but here are two articles about it:


Note that the first link refers to ATT's official facebook page. I am not a facebook user, so the trail ends there for me.


So are they changing the rate all ready?

Of course. It's the Apple Way!

In the mean time, there are at least a dozen manufacturers of pad-type devices that offer similar features, running Android or some other OS and can be put onto other networks - already being displayed in Japan and China. I can't wait to get one here. I'd mainly use it as a reader, I think but the Ipad is too limiting for the method I want to use it. So is the Kindle, for that matter.


Any updates on these topo apps? Has anyone tried ihike? 24K maps should be good.

"didn't see any good [topo map apps] that were iPad friendly"

Here are few that say they are iPad compatible. All 3 download maps
so you can use them when you don't have Internet access. All download
topo maps of USA, including Alaska, and Canada for free.

Topo Maps App ($8)

iTopoMaps ($8)

iHikeGPS ($8)


Expedition Leader
An alternative to Applecare insurance for the iPad has appeared.
The company is Square Trade, which has offered insurance for
electronics like computers and smart phones since 1999.

The Square Trade plan goes beyond Apple's warranty because it
includes coverage for damage due to accidental drops and spills,
in addition to failure of the electronics.

A 2 year Square Trade plan costs $96, 3 years $146. That's about
13 cents a day.

There is no deductible. The company provides free shipping to their
repair depot. If the repair takes longer than 5 days, the company
will refund the cost of the insurance.

Note that the Square Trade insurance does not cover theft. Usually
that's covered by your homeowners or renters insurance.

All this sounds great. I have no experience with Square Trade, so
I'd like to hear from anyone who has, good or bad.


Of course. It's the Apple Way!

In the mean time, there are at least a dozen manufacturers of pad-type devices that offer similar features, running Android or some other OS and can be put onto other networks - already being displayed in Japan and China. I can't wait to get one here. I'd mainly use it as a reader, I think but the Ipad is too limiting for the method I want to use it. So is the Kindle, for that matter.

The iPad is actually unlocked and can be used with any provider that offers a mini sim card and a data plan. Unfortunatly AT&T is the only one that does at the moment.


Expedition Leader
The cell phone radio in the iPad uses 850 MHz and 1900MHz. These frequencies are used by AT&T for 3G service. 1900MHz is also used by T-Mobile for EDGE service (sometimes called 2.75G). So it's possible to make the iPad work on T-Mobile's network.

First, you have to convert a T-Mobile SIM to the micro-SIM form factor used in the iPad. Trace the shape of the AT&T SIM that comes with the iPad onto the T-Mobile SIM. Cut away the excess plastic with a large knife.

If you're nervous about using a knife, a company called 3GJuice makes a SIM card punch called "Cut My SIM." It converts the standard size SIM (12 x 25mm) to the smaller size (12 x 15mm) needed for the iPad and the 4th generation iPhone. The kit includes a frame that allows the cut-down SIM to be used in a regular phone. Cost: $25.

Once the SIM is trimmed to fit, follow these instructions to configure your iPad to use the T-Mobile network

You could also trim the full size AT&T SIM in your iPhone to fit the iPad. Using the frame included with the Cut My SIM kit, you could move the SIM from iPhone to iPad as needed.

File this under "nice to know, but probably not practical."


New member
Purchased a iPad Wifi + 3G 64GB model last week. I immediately downloaded two GPS apps; 1. Topo Maps for iPad ($7.99), and 2. Motion-X GPS Maps HD ($2.99).

I got to say the Motion-X app is amazing, especially amazing considering the price paid. It's features are exactly what I wanted. Being able to download maps for offline use while up in the mountains is exactly what I wanted. Topo Maps is nice, lets you download all the topography USGS maps you want for free (once you own the app of course). However I find myself using Motion-X more often.


I am pretty much using the same apps.

Purchased a iPad Wifi + 3G 64GB model last week. I immediately downloaded two GPS apps; 1. Topo Maps for iPad ($7.99), and 2. Motion-X GPS Maps HD ($2.99).

I got to say the Motion-X app is amazing, especially amazing considering the price paid. It's features are exactly what I wanted. Being able to download maps for offline use while up in the mountains is exactly what I wanted. Topo Maps is nice, lets you download all the topography USGS maps you want for free (once you own the app of course). However I find myself using Motion-X more often.

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