Apple Tablet: iPad


The SDK also has procedure calls for an internal camera, possibily coming in iPad 1.1 but left out to to QC/Supply issues?


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
No daylight screen (e-ink, Pixel Qi). The screen is a standard multi-touch LCD.
This is not really a shock IMO. Apple is not trying to make an e-book, but a multiple use device that will play movies, surf the Wed and display photos and hit a price point. LCD screens are still the best choice for this over OLED, Pixel Qi or e-ink, which suffer from being too expensive (OLED), lacking color depth and saturation like Pixel Qi and monochrome just would be so Mac 'Classic'. So until OLED gets cheaper the traditional backlit LCD does seem to make the most sense in this case.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
The ability to have this be able to function with an external monitor would be great as well.

IF (and a big if right now) this had functioned with a Camera, OSX Snow Leapord, and supported multiple apps at one time, ... between the iPad, my external 30" monitor and my iPhone, ... I would be DONE!

One can only hope that the next MacBookPro will be the iPad on steroids.

My hopes anyway.



Expedition Leader
The iPad will follow the cycle that most Apple recent products followed:

1. Pre-introduction hype, speculation and hysteria

2. Disappointment at the introduction, followed by crucifixion of the device by critics and pundits as we wait for the product to be delivered

3. Sales begin. People find out that the device is pretty cool after all, with some flaws

4. 8 or 9 months later, Apple releases an upgraded device at the same price point. Sales go through the roof, and Apple receives accolades.

So a year from now we'll all wonder how we lived without the iPad.


Expedition Leader
I wonder how well does Google Docs?

I'd expect that to work pretty well. The new webkit based mobile browsers (Android, iPhone) have really good support for the stuff that GD uses. Heck, its the one place I can write decent html5 stuff and know it can get used.

FWIW, the crazyness that is google wave works on android phone browsers. I'd imagine with a little more screen and hp that it would work really well on this ipad contraption.

I dont like the lack of flash here. I can deal with it on a phone, small screen and I just don't browse the web with it that way. On something with a 10" screen I'd expect flash to work. At that price point I want a full browsing experience, not something neutered.


How long do you thing it will take for html5 based video to make the flash video era go away?

Could something like Zulu go to HTML5 easily?



What are the chances this thing will eventually run a real OS. A giant iPhone is cool, but I have a little one already. I'd rather have a small computer than a big phone in my truck :ylsmoke:

If it runs OSx I'll buy one...


Scott Brady

It is just like every other Apple product. The first version is not perfect, but engages the believers. V2.0 will be the more robust offering.

Here is a marketing video for the new iPad from over three years ago. (note: it is PG, but you may not want to have the speakers too loud in the cubicle. . .)


It's not really a first gen product, it's a big ipod touch.

The difference is that it enables consumption of ebooks and video. It also better enabled to front end internet applications, which now includes almost all office functions.

For in-truck something like the Kenwood DNX9140 may still be better at running gps, backup cameras, and Sirius. With a tablet computer for doing other computer functions, including internet.

I've done several semi-carputers. I always have stopped short of complete implementation as I foundl, for me, putting everything on one device reduces ease of use.


It is just like every other Apple product. The first version is not perfect, but engages the believers. V2.0 will be the more robust offering.

This really sucks! I know a lot of you guys were really looking for this to do great things too. Like Scott says, maybe in the 2G!
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Root Moose

Expedition Leader
I've done several semi-carputers. I always have stopped short of complete implementation as I foundl, for me, putting everything on one device reduces ease of use.

I agree with this.

One of the concepts that I'm playing with, and have seen successfully implemented elsewhere, is using the iWhatever device as the front end for a another device (Mini or similar) that is sited somewhere else, remotely connected via cabling. With this model the small device still gets to act as a "small device" while the backend computer (say a Mac Book) still gets to act as a full fledged computer.


Expedition Leader
At least it has GPS.
It's an "Assisted GPS" which relies on cell tower triangulation to help it determine it's location faster.

When most gps buyers are talking about making your you have the latest fastest gps chipset, this would be a step in the wrong direction unless you only wheel places with cell reception. ;)

There are so many places I've wheeled without cell reception that I know this simply won't be very pleasant waiting for it to triangulate without cell towers (Moab, Utah Swell, most Sierra Nevada Mountain Trails, etc)


Good point! I thought that it might be the cell approach.

It's an "Assisted GPS" which relies on cell tower triangulation to help it determine it's location faster.

When most gps buyers are talking about making your you have the latest fastest gps chipset, this would be a step in the wrong direction unless you only wheel places with cell reception. ;)

There are so many places I've wheeled without cell reception that I know this simply won't be very pleasant waiting for it to triangulate without cell towers (Moab, Utah Swell, most Sierra Nevada Mountain Trails, etc)

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