Since I received a big box of lights from Baja Designs, I figured I may as well begin installing them
First up 3 lights for the front bumper. You know its never as easy as just bolting them on and plugging them in.
I bolted the first one, and realized that the angle of the bumper didn't allow the light to level out. I took some channele I had laying around and made an offset bracket for each light. It did the trick, all level now.
I still need to make one plug, but 2 of em actually work
I took it out and did some down the road testing
DRLS with engine running
These are the Squadron driving lights only
These are the 2 XL 80's on the bumper They could use a little aim up, but you get the idea
XL80's and Squdrons. Because the 80's need to be aimed, they are drowning out the Squadrons, except yu can see it fill to the sides. Correct aiming of your lights will give you the best fill for the entire pattern. In this case, adjusting the 80's , would get much more distance, yet keep the wide pattern close in
The joke here is that I turned on the headlights, but could barely see them come on
I went ahead and threw it in reverse
Here is the next step.
I wanted to mount the lights, but not directly to the rack I figured if I had a mount made that was simple, but designed well, it would accomplish making everything look right withpout wires showing
So here is what fit that thought. 2x2" 1/8th Square tube. beveled in front so it doesn't look like just a box. So I had 1/8th inch plate added at about a 45 degree angle. The 2 inches gives it a little more height, off the rack. Then I had the back opened up , so all the wires could be stored there. The only wires that you will see are the wires coming off the light into a notched hole , then the main cable coming in from the bottom, but the rack hides lots of that
My only fear is that the space will not hold all f the connections . We shall see tomorrow
The entire device gets mounted to the roof rack, through the cool track system it has. I pre drilled the holes in the bottom of the mount to just fit the screws and put bolts on the inside of the box. The box has a back plate to close it all off purdy Poof Should be no wires
Tomorrow , all these lights should be blazing