Well. ..after several months of planning figuring, changing plans and all the other things that goes with building something, Its finally to the stage where almost should be.

The wrap and the Roof Top Tent, would have been the final pieces
My goal was to get in a SEMA booth , but fell short. Not for the fact that it isn't worthy, but because it's difficult to be an independent builder and get recognized. Corporate, most of the times, trumps individual builds. I was given the best possible endorsement, from the head of marketing, at Toyota, so much so, that he sent an email, with all of my information and pictures, to the SEMA planning team. The direct quote was " We need to have this truck in our booth, this year" Unfortunately, big corporations have many divisions and teams that don't always listen to other departments and make their own decisions
It wasn't the only build snubbed and it was more of a corporate build that also got good hopes. I could have campaigned more, to get in someone elses booth, but then If Toyota said "we want you" I didn't want to drop a different commitment. Toyota is notoriously late in making final decisions and this year was no different. It was late August when the "no" given. By that time, booths were filled.
In retrospect, I should have campaigned harder for another booth spot and also bought an outside spot early on. I would have just had to give the "I'm sorry" speech . This would have insured I would have been somewhere . Lessons learned, for sure.
Arctica, will still get the exposure I wanted for sponsors and from media coverage. TCT Magazine invited me to a photo shoot, the day after SEMA, in the Las Vegas desert. There are also requests to be in booths, for other events. I even got a prospective interested party, that would like me to build a truck , with them. This has a direct impact on many Toyota's. After I looked over my truck at Off=Road Expo his comment was. "it's obvious , you know how to build a nice truck". So all is not lost.
I will attend SEMA on Friday.
The plan is still to wrap it, so I can see my project all the way through, but it's north of $3000.00. This could be money I use to build my wheeling truck, to be trailer ed behind my Tundra. I probably will still get the RTT
In conclusion, I love my truck and how it turned out. My reality did not stray too far away from what my vision was, so I consider it a success. I get twisted neckers and comments, about it daily. It rides and performs awesome. It will take me to many places besides the branded carpets and the trailers so many travel on.
I will still continue to build Arctica, until I think its far as I want it.
Thank You,, for all of your nice comments and support !!!
I also want to thank all the awesome companies, that believed in me and the project itself.