Expedition Leader
Hi Jeff,
Sorry for not replying earlier. Thank you for providing the dimensions. BTW I believe there is a fair amount of interest but perhaps I should have said chuck box or kitchen box instead of cabinet, see https://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/pictures-of-camp-kitchens.52557/
Thanks for clarifying. A chuck box makes sense, I wasn't quite getting why people would want a "cabinet" in the Trail Kitchen. I can see how DIY plans for a chuck box for the kitchen as an option might interest some people, but some way to keep things cold would still probably be called for - maybe a cooler on the floor in the space next to the kitchen?
Speaking of Trail Kitchen options, last week I put together a list of the options I've designed and built for the kitchen to describe how I think everything could be organized into a base unit and options. My idea is that the base would be a simple version of the kitchen and everything else could be an option that could be added if and when it's needed. I think all but one of the options in the list I've already posted about; some of the photos are from my prototype wood tabletop version of the kitchen and some are from the preproduction version, I just used photos I had handy.
I look forward to any feedback any of you might have on what's in this list as well as any feedback anyone might have on other options that would be useful to go with the kitchen (like plans for a chuck box?).

This next one is already on the market so it's not technically a new kitchen option, but it works very well with the kitchen:

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