I used the Rubicans for water for several reasons, most importantly that the Rubican mounts to the side of the slide-out kitchen and therefore is easily accessible when cooking. Filled pots with it, washed dishes with it, drank from it, all right at the kitchen. Wouldn't be that convenient using the side mounts. (I posted a couple of photos of the kitchen-mounted Rubican earlier today so I won't repeat them here)
Also was very nice to put the spare water containers on the rack, out of the way.
Mostly I use the side mounts for spare fuel, although on this trip my distances from gas wouldn't be so far that I'd need to carry any extra fuel so all I carried was a 5-liter NATO can on a tailgate hinge mount, visible in this photo I took in the hotel parking garage in Las Vegas (and the photo above).
Thanks! Good info. After all that, I think I am most impressed by the fact you got your Jeep and the RTT into the parking garage!