DWH- Its been plugged in the past month since I was in Patagonia, will that be enough or do I need to - use/discharge/ plug back in ?
Just being plugged in doesn't do anything to recover the batteries unless the charger has a built-in EQ function (and the EQ function is enabled). Just sitting around at float voltage won't do it.
Equalize is "a timed, controlled overcharge". Fully charge the battery, then raise the voltage (how high depends on who made the battery, usually somewhere over 15v) and hold it there a specific time.
This helps to dissolve lead-sulphate crystals on the plates and also stirs the electrolye by making it bubble vigorously. The stirring eliminates stratification (acid and water separating into layers).
Of course the bubbling is caused by electrolysis separating water into hydrogen and oxygen, so the batteries need to be topped off after an EQ.
Desulphators (usually standalone units, but built into some battery chargers (very few - Battery MINDer (not Battery Tender) is one)) pulse a small current into the battery at a frequency designed to breakup lead-sulphate crystals grown too hard to be broken down by an EQ cycle. Desulphation takes weeks to show any improvement, and can take months to finally reach full effect.
There never was any recommended battery maintenance procedure that required discharging the battery...
...but that's changed in recent years. A few sealed AGM batteries such as Odyssey do now have a procedure that requires discharging then recharging with a high amp charger. Only applies to those specific batteries though...not to yours.