Another "not really a road sign, but..."
Here's one on Hwy 36 between Fort Hood and Abilene, TX. I cannot recall exactly where it is, but a funny story accompanies it.
We were going to a relative's wedding in Abilene and did a double-take. We turned around and got some pictures of it. Just for the record, the bull in the picture was pissed that we were standing so close to his pasture.
Later that summer, we took some customers on a boondoggle to Vermejo Park Ranch near Raton, NM. The fly fishing is amazing there. Everyone caught fish, so we came up with some gags to pass out at dinner our last night.
I had framed up a photo of this marquis just for this purpose, LOL. "So for our catcher of the smallest fish, next year, instead of Vermejo, we're sending you on an all-expense-paid vacation to the Deep Bleep Cattle Company!"
Everyone was amazed at the photo, that someone really named their ranch that way.