I need to upgrade my camera but I'm currently using a Canon 30D. I have a few lenses that I use. I have a 28-135mm IS that is kinda my "everything" lens. I also have a wide angle 10-22mm. I have a 70-200mm L IS that I LOVE LOVE LOVE, and lastly a 50mm prime lens that I like a lot too. These latest photos were taken with my 50mm.
I'm trying to save up enough money (seems like there's never anything left to put away for things) and purchase a Canon 5D. I've actually got quite a bit of side work photography this year that I'm hoping can justify th upgrade and also pay for the camera.
Adam, STOP! Don't cut anything!
I don't think you need to trim anything to fit those rear tires. I had the same issue with my 33's and Dakars. I added an axle relocation plate(s) to the base of the pack and re-centered my rear axle by moving it like a half inch to the rear. This isn't anything new for the Tacoma - Scott Brady had the same issue with his Tacoma and the 255's - check his write-up.
You can get them from several vendors but I got mine from Roger Brown. http://www.4crawler.com/4x4/ForSale/Shims.shtml
No worries Adam - my pleasure; I'd hate to see your truck go through unnecessary surgery.
Your picture and description made me recall my rubbing issues when stuffing the rears - I'd drag my 285/75/16 KM's on the forward portion of the rear fender flare from what I could tell by the witness marks. Installing the plate, without any problems with the centering pin, resolved the issue.
All this may soon be moot when my Ballistic Fab spring hangers arrive and get my ALCAN's installed!
Not trying to hijack BoxRocket but I got a question for Tango,
I am running basically the same tiresize and wheels (285/75/16 Treadwright BFG AT copies on FZJ80 wheel even black!). What are you running up front for suspension? I am going to redo mine in the spring and want to rid myself of the rubbing. Are you running wheelspacers?
At that time I was running:
OME 882 Front Coil Springs
CS046R Rear Leaf Springs; added a Dakar AAL 29XL because they were running flat.
OME N91S Shocks
OME N85 Shocks; swapped for N76 shocks to increase travel for the added height of the AAL.
No wheel spacers but had a slight rub against the frame rail at full turn but it wasn't a mobility stopper nor was it enough to harm the tires.
Here's how it sat loaded...
But it looks a little different today...
Hijack off...
Can't way to see your truck with the rear suspension all buttoned up. It's gonna be sweet!
Oh and I'd like to see a close up of the hinge on your swing out. My homemade rear bumper has a similar design to yours (minus a little tubing on the corners) but I'm looking at ideas for hinges if I ever do a swingout. thnx