One rule-of-thumb I have read about, and try to adhere to is:
Drop pressure until the sidewall is 75% of maximum height.
How do you do this?
1) With your truck loaded for travel, air up the tires to max listed on the sidewall.
2) Measure from pavement to edge of wheel (sidewall height).
3) Calculate 75% of that height (sidewall height X .75).
4) Let air out of tire, until the sidewall is at the 75% measurement.
5) Measure tire pressure for future reference.
You can see that this pressure will be different, depending on how much weight is in the truck. The numbers will be different from front to rear. Use the higher of the two, and set them all the same.
You will want to run this same test, unloaded. With these two sets of numbers, you will know what range of pressure to run.
(Jacket's reply reminded me of this too)
For washboards, you may want to use 85% instead of 75%, since it is for comfort instead of traction.
Let us know what you come up with.:smiley_drive: