WESTYSS, I'm busy sharpening all my blades getting ready for your cabinets!
to be honest, if you guys saw the shop I work out of, with the old, out of date tools I use you'd probably poop yourself (after seeing some of the shops here, (especially neverenough's)) The majority I bought back in '94' when I started building my home, my tablesaw is a simple Hitachi with a Rousseau stand, bought back in '84' when I was 18, but I know them, & they know me.
O.K. back to issues, I parked the bullet in front of my home last night, a steep incline, & it rained all night long. Shouldn't be a problem because of the way I designed the wall cap/softwall/ roof assembly. This morning there was some water inside on the floor. Now after I lifted the roof up, water fell from outside the softwalls, (where it should have never gotten to,) then dripped onto the floor.
Look at the detail of the wall cap/ roof detail,

I , coming from an architectural background can't understand how water got onto the softwalls in the first place. Maybe it's the bolt holes (although the bolts are tightened well),

what am I not seeing here, I do have foam weatherstripping on the 45 angle when the roof & the walls meet.. ...
I don't know, but the thing sure does fill up my driveway though!

& look at the pivot frame twist..

(I'll rent out my driveway if anyone wants to test their rig)
any insight would be good