building the Bullet XV


Excellent job, can't wait to see it all put together. Bet you are having a blast putting all the pieces in this weekend that you have built. Down the home stretch...


just a teaser of interior progress
not the best pics though..
re-assembly 024.jpgre-assembly 025.jpgre-assembly 028.jpgre-assembly 030.jpgre-assembly 031.jpg
so far every piece has fit perfectly together, it's like playing with lego's


Approved Vendor : Total Composites
I'm a woodworker for 20 years... highly impressive what you are doing! Well done :coffeedrink:


cabinets are all in, most of the appliances are in, almost ready for upholstery.
i'm really happy with my choice of teak & stainless, the cloth & materials should warm it up allot
re-assembly 042.jpgre-assembly 043.jpgre-assembly 044.jpgre-assembly 046.jpg
does anybody have input for squeezing more mpg out of an '08' Cummins 6.7 diesel engine


does anybody have input for squeezing more mpg out of an '08' Cummins 6.7 diesel engine

Removing or gutting the particulate burner and installing a Bully
Dog or similar "black box" will increase both mileage and power. It is also illegal. A friend has done these mods and says his mileage is about 20 mpg on the highway, which is about the same as my preburner Cummins.


I must be gettin' close, i'm doing all the nit-picky things I've been putting off for months, the wheel wells.. .(you can tell it's been months, look at all the dust!)
wheel wells 001.jpgwheel wells 006.jpgwheel wells 002.jpgwheel wells 003.jpg
plus all the appliances are in & tested, all the upholstery materials have been ordered, & should take place next week


Cabinets came out gorgeous!! :drool:

Kudos to you.



Approved Vendor : Total Composites
Talking about outstanding craftsmanship! Impressive as I'm a woodworking journeyman myself:Wow1:


That puts high-end RVs and yachts to shame. Hard to remember it started life as a used U-Haul box. Given the detail that has gone into other steps of this project (like the cables to keep the roof level), I'm not surprised. I'm just jealous I don't have that skill.


so you said you are almost finished huh?? that means you can soon get started on my cabinets?? :bowdown:
impressive build, a work of art!


WESTYSS, I'm busy sharpening all my blades getting ready for your cabinets!
to be honest, if you guys saw the shop I work out of, with the old, out of date tools I use you'd probably poop yourself (after seeing some of the shops here, (especially neverenough's)) The majority I bought back in '94' when I started building my home, my tablesaw is a simple Hitachi with a Rousseau stand, bought back in '84' when I was 18, but I know them, & they know me.

O.K. back to issues, I parked the bullet in front of my home last night, a steep incline, & it rained all night long. Shouldn't be a problem because of the way I designed the wall cap/softwall/ roof assembly. This morning there was some water inside on the floor. Now after I lifted the roof up, water fell from outside the softwalls, (where it should have never gotten to,) then dripped onto the floor.
Look at the detail of the wall cap/ roof detail,
Xpedition Vehicle wall cap 3.jpgI , coming from an architectural background can't understand how water got onto the softwalls in the first place. Maybe it's the bolt holes (although the bolts are tightened well),
re-assembly 057.jpg what am I not seeing here, I do have foam weatherstripping on the 45 angle when the roof & the walls meet.. ...
I don't know, but the thing sure does fill up my driveway though!
re-assembly 056.jpg
& look at the pivot frame twist..
re-assembly 058.jpg
(I'll rent out my driveway if anyone wants to test their rig)
any insight would be good


An absolutely amazing job on the cabinets, and the build as a whole! Your efforts are a huge motivator. I wish I could see the work in person.:bowdown:


Tail-End Charlie

Probably time to get in with a flashlight while someone wanders around outside playing with a hose.


Expedition Leader
Dude I've seen your driveway and I remember that rain....both extreme. one pin hole could have been the culprit. It is really unlikely that you would ever be at that tilt in real life over night. Most likely never happen again except on your crazy hill!:coffeedrink:


Doubtful but also make sure you don't have an wicking action going on pulling water up under overhanging lip.

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