Burzon's 2004 4Runner SE (V6) Overland Build


Photo/Video, Mechanic, Cook, Driver, First Aid
I found some unimproved roads in Danby, Dorset, Manchester, and Sandgate, VT today and introduced my mom to wheeling. She had a bottle of water with her, and after a particularly difficult rock ledge climb said, "I should have brought something stronger to drink." Great sense of humor! She had a great time and loved the back-country scenery.

With the help of Rodney at Performance Unlimited (Woodstock, VT), I finished a ton of work on the truck this week. Because of time and tool constraints, I had Rodney replace a leaking front diff seal and worn front left CV, reposition my Shrockworks bumper and add a few welds to lock in place, and pop in my new rear LCA's from Toy Outfitters.

Once I got the truck home, I reinstalled my rear sway bar, mounted a fire extinguisher, and added a beer bottle opener to my rear bumper. I also applied some electrical cleaner to the winch remote connections and spread the pins for better contact...no more malfunctioning winch remote. For fun, I threw on my Trasharoo because, well, why not?

Stainless Steel Bottle Opener from Lake Front Brewery, Milwaukee, WI
photo 2.JPG

5lb. ABC Fire Extinguisher (Temporary Mount)
photo 3.jpg

The white steelies and new shoes should be on in less than two weeks. That should wrap up truck projects for a little while - I finished all of my shakedown projects and it is running beautifully. Time to get out and wheel; looking forward to meeting some new folks at the Yankee Toys Fall Gathering.
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Do you have any friends with the treadwrights? I wheel with a few guy's that have them and they have found the compound to very stiff and not conform to rocks or clear mud well. My co-pilot on the VOT has them on his rubicon and he said my worn out Hankook mud tires worked way better then his treadrights. I personally don't have any experience with them but figured I would give you a heads up.


Photo/Video, Mechanic, Cook, Driver, First Aid
The Treadwright is an aggressive all-terrain. Lazz runs them on his Rover and would buy them again. I ran the VOT with Nitto Terra Grapplers at 6/32" tread and had a blast - they were damn near racing slicks. Even with a hard compound, the Guard Dogs will provide 500% more traction than what I currently have.

That said, I am aware they have a tendency to pack up with mud - the lugs are closer together than a true mud-terrain. I daily drive my truck so a full soft-compund MT at close to $300 a tire is not ideal. I'm sure I would see better off-road performance but on my scale there is no value.


I figured you had looked into the tires, but I wanted to give a little feedback on the northeast use if you didn't know. I am looking forward to seeing them mounted on the white steel wheels.


Photo/Video, Mechanic, Cook, Driver, First Aid
Made a last minute tire change after much debate. Going with the 255 80 17 KM2's after all. Nothing against TreadWright...I just want to try the KM2's. Hopefully going on this weekend.
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Photo/Video, Mechanic, Cook, Driver, First Aid
My baby got her new shoes this morning. Refinished FJ Steelies with 1.25" spidertrax spacers and 255 80 17 KM2's. No rubbing yet and I really dig the look, but haven't had the truck on the trails yet. Gas mileage immediately went up about .7-1MPG and the thinner tire makes my truck's power steering feel similar to a Cadillac. :wings:



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Photo/Video, Mechanic, Cook, Driver, First Aid
Trouble in paradise. My factory skids are toast - they were in rough shape before last weekend but now they are mangled, torn, and hanging off my truck on one side. I just ordered up a full set of RCI Metalworks skids in 3/16" steel sans gas tank skid to solve the issue...I'm very excited. Here is a picture of the factory skid carnage - you can see the rear mount on the front skid tore clean off!

My factory skid gave up - the mounting bracket has ripped off!

In other bad news, my recent CV joint seal repair is leaking again so it's back to the shop we go...that kind of pisses me off.

I have a little bit of rubbing on my front tires I need to work through from the 255 80 17 KM2's. More on that later.
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