Buying a 1998 Discovery 1 Tomorrow!!!!!!!

Scott Brady

Nice little truck. Get under it and spray PB blaster all over the t-case shifter, then work it forward and aft after everything is warmed up and the trans in neutral. Spray some more PB, then more back and forward, then in and out of diff lock. It is rare for them to fail and it is typically just stuck in place from having never been shifted.


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Scott has a good idea to start with the PB blaster. You may want to try and shift it while moving slowly forward or reverse and it sometimes takes a while for the light on the dash to illuminate. If some one has fiddled with the wiring around the steering column check that area first. Try the simple stuff first.


Thanks guys, I will give the PB blaster a shot. I'm just worried that its actually locked in the 'locked' position, and I'm seriously hoping that my transfer case is okay if this is true!


Actually, just did a bit of reading, and it seems that for the diff to be 'locked' the handle has to move to the drivers side and have a dash light illuminate, and since its stuck down and to the right, it should be okay. I will have to get that fixed, but at least my T-case isn't eating itself! phewf


I would say that based on your pictures it is stuck back and to the right...vice down and to the right (which would be unlocked dif but in low you a pretty slow max speed)
Your TC prob hasn't been in the locked position for years, if ever, so the advice on the PB will likely sort it out after some jiggling. As stated they rarely fail, but do like being exercised and can be cranky after neglect.

Nice looking truck BTW, love the color and it looks to be in good shape.


its looks very nice to me, and on my right hand drive the HI range is back and to the right where your T box lever is now, so I would say you are in High range without the diff lock in, especially as you have no dash light on.
Bit puzzled about the wipers - I thought you said the stalk was in the glove box?
Do the wipers not work off the column stalk but the washers do?


Very nice

Good find love the color, Im with scott leave them as close to stok as possible. I just gave mine a tune up and a good cleaning on the inside yesterday.


its looks very nice to me, and on my right hand drive the HI range is back and to the right where your T box lever is now, so I would say you are in High range without the diff lock in, especially as you have no dash light on.
Bit puzzled about the wipers - I thought you said the stalk was in the glove box?
Do the wipers not work off the column stalk but the washers do?

Not exactly. So this is the current situation. When I got the car, the column 'stalk' as you called it that controls the washer/intermittent functions of the wiper was in the glove box, and the wipers are controlled by a pull on and push off switch to the left of the steering wheel, next to the mechanism that adjusts the sideview mirrors. Yesterday I got that part out of the glovebox, hooked it up and put it into place to test to see if it worked. It does not. So basically the wipers work on a medium speed non-intermittent basis as controlled by the switch (which can be seen in the picture shot looking into the interior from outside), but the washers do not. I put the arm back on as there is a safety inspection process I have to go through to be able to register the car fully, which I am doing tomorrow. The mechanic is a friend of a friend, so I'm hoping to GOD he lets me get the saftey so that I can figure out the wiring/operation of the washer in a longer time period then the 10 days I have on my temporary plates.

Im assuming it was a bodge job to avoid having to buy a new part, so my plan is to figure out all the electrics relating to the front wipers/washers, remove and fix the bodged wiring, get the new arm, install it, and have everything work. BUT i need more then 10 days to get the money and time to make that happen. Fingers crossed for the safety. I have lost the past few nights of sleep over it. We will see tomorrow just how important the washer mechanism is. Bah.


New member
My disco had the same problem with the transfer case lever being seized up do to know use. I got the guy I bought it from to knock $500 off it. I actually removed the center console and the transfer case boot. After it was opened up I sprayed with PB Blaster. It was an afternoon project. Since you have snow on the ground it sucks to lay on the ground and work, inside work is nice.... Have fun with the disco!


Based on the fact that you have already proven the vehicles history less than accurate, I would have someone that really knows Rovers take a close look at everything and point you in the right maintenance direction. Spend your time and money there first. These vehicles don't like to be neglected and hate amateur wiring hacks.

Great looking place to start though. The interior looks great. Welcome.


04 discolover
Scott does that go for all discos? I have a 2004se and its going in for its 120,00 mile tune and fluid change at 106,000 what should I have my guy do extra to ensure long life and optimum performance on the trail. Also what should be my first purchase?


After like a non-stop process of soul searching this week and reading the entire RAVE manual, and some new things coming to light (me thinking the U-joints are bad. Don't know how hard that fix it, but im betting its more complex then just buying 3 u joints and putting them in) and god knows what else, I think I gotta try and turn both this Landy, and my current car and walk away from car ownership for a while as its simply drained the bank account. I think I was blinded by the 'glory' of a LR and my trip and overlanding in general. I need to take a step back, stop dreaming of idiotic things and fix my pocket book. Depending on what I hear from the mechanic possibly this evening/tomorrow it will be up for grabs. The big stuff is all there, I just cannot deal with the maintenance i guess. And I thought I had read enough before hand. Hard way to learn a lesson.

Edit - Though, this plan is still contingent on what the mechanic doing the safety says. Which is info I may not receive until tomorrow.
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Its always a good idea to have someone look over anything before you buy. These trucks take a lot of maintenance (as do most European vehicles) but they are easy to learn and easy to do your own work on. That said, I think your plan is a sound one. Get your finances in order, focus on getting/staying out of debt, and get yourself set on the right path for the future. Then when the time is right and you have the money in the bank, you can spend time finding the "right" deal. No reason to rush into anything.

Now is the time to get your future set. There will be lots of time to indulge in this addiction. You've been bitten now, but no reason to let it ruin you financially at the start.

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