Dave Bennett
Nice color! What's "NSSE"?
Nice color! What's "NSSE"?
Nice color! What's "NSSE"?
NSSE - Not So Special Edition -
An unknown number of FJ's that came to the US before the disaster in Japan, and were supposed to be Trail Teams Editions but were botched some how.
http://www.fjcruiserforums.com/forums/general-discussion/126095-what-nsse.html (link courtesy of m(a)ce
To be a "NSSE" it's supposed to be have "Upgrade Package #3" . Mine does have this optional package. The dealer I got it from had also added a few more things like the lights, roof rack, and some other small bits.
Some in the FJC community have dubbed this version of the FJC as the "NSSE" (not so special edition) or "Trail Teams Lite" . I love the urban myth part of the whole thing..
Google FJ Cruiser NSSE and there are some really funny posts in other forums..
But the black-out treatment looks so good with green!
I dont know that toyota "botched it up" , it is a listed option to build on there website. And I know from personal recent experience that you can build a FJ any way you want, even if the local dealer says no. I built mine how I wanted and am sure there will be very few like it in country.
I'm going through it in the next few weeks to get it ready to sell..Nice FJ...when are you selling your 62?
Cabrito, don't sell your FJ just yet.
Just drop it by my house up the hills (you remember where I live...), and I'll make sure to drive it down to Tierra Del Fuego to add more resell value to it...
It's nice, but don't sell the 62. You'll rue that day for sure. The new will wear off of the FJC soon enough, but the class of the 62 will last forever.