Call me crazy, but I want a shuttle bus.


Village Idiot
I've had a few TD campers and vans. And the more I've been looking into it, I think I want a shuttle bus.

The reasons are,

1. I live in Asheville, NC. AKA U Joint Offroad headquarters.
2. I ride motorcycles, and they come with a handicap lift that I'm sure a MC could fit on.
3. Great interior height.
5. 7.3L Diesel!

I'm thinking of building a wall directly behind the lift that makes it a mini garage and separates the bike and stuff from the rest of the van. Add a bed, a decent RV style bathroom, and that's it, other than some storage. Cooking would be done outside.

I mean, look at this!



I'm just wondering if I 4WD the van, if the lift will drop the extra 6" it needs?

What do you guys think? Good idea?

Bonus motorcycle pic:

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I keep trying to convince my wife.

My only hold up is that side entry door. It's just so low. Looks like it would get in the way one even mild trails.


Village Idiot
Honestly, if I did a 4WD kit, it would be mild. Just to handle sand/mud and sketchy roads. And I would run Nitto Terra Grapplers or some A/T tire.

More inspiration:



I'm on the hunt for one. It may take a while, but I will find one.


Expedition Leader
Even with 6" + 3" tires, a small ramp would take care of the extra height. I believe the lifts will go to below ground level to compensate for uneven ground.

Even if the platform had a bit of a slope, you could add an extension to drive it up.


I like shuttle buses too , there is a yard near me with probably 50 I would love to buy 1or2.
I think they sell them to South America or some where overseas in fleets because I don't see them running around as private owned vehicles. Oh and I drove shuttle buses for a year and they squeak badly


Squeaks and rattles may make you cray, but otherwise it's a stellar plan.
The fab-lab bus has lots of pics on their Instagram feed.

Bonus - if you get a commercial license you could drive the drunk seniors to Vegas for gambling trips!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


I'm on the fence between a shuttle bus and a 14' box van like an old Uhaul. The chassis is the same. Box is different

I'm leaning towards the cube though

I built a camper out of an '89 Toyota uhaul but the ceiling is a little too low. I'm getting it ready to sell

Starting a build with a gutted Box with flat and relatively square/flat makes it much easier. The body seams are strong and well sealed from the factory

Either aluminum walls or like mine it is fiberglass over plywood.


No windows. RV windows are really cheap and easy to install
No ac unit in the back. Usually not a big deal though. Same with rear heat. Easy enough to fabricate

Either way you go be sure to reinforce the ceiling rafters or ribs to support snow load or a roof rack

Good deals on both buses and cubes can be found on the gov auction sites


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