Camping with a weapon


Expedition Leader
Even if you're big, you might find you like the shorter stock better. They make the shotgun a bit more maneuverable and easier to handle. I'm 6' and long-armed, but I prefer the "children's" length Hogue stock on my 500. As an additional plus, that means it fits the wife perfectly too... :D

I'd recommend Glock for it's simplicity and low maintenance... but the Rock Island (1911) is a fine gun as well and a good deal. Plus, the RIA is fun to customize.

I know what you mean about idiots that think they are tough stuff because of a firearm. This can happen anywhere... best thing I can say to that (and a policy I follow religiously) is: Out of sight, Out of mind.

A few months ago with a high roller Wall St paycheck, I wouldnt have blinked an eye to buy a glock or several. Given the decrease in paycheck and that the market is killing me and all my clients right now, I have to be smarter with my disposable income hence the RIA.

I was leaning towards a 9mm, but they all just feel so small in my hands. (Palm a basketball no problem, 6"3+, heading towards 225lbs, all upper body strength.)


Thanks for the recommendation. Will look into a sling and the stock as well.

Never shot a Mossberg before but have heard nothing but great reviews. If I don't get a chance to shoot one before the upcoming gun show I will just bite the bullet and buy one.

You're welcome. If you're near Casper, LMK. I'll let you try mine on for size.

Don't forget WalMart. They frequently have them for cheap. And if you go to a gun show, be careful not to pay too much. The Mossberg is a fairly inexpensive shogun, no need to pay a pile of money for it. Try as well.


Photographer in the Wild
It's not that unusual to see big cats out here. They're thriving here in southern AZ. I've seen 3 in a single day, while working a joint project between Cochise and Graham counties. We saw 2 mountain lions, TOGETHER, running straight down FSR 61 on the west side of the Huachuca's. The other cat was larger, running down the west face of Dos Cabesas near Willcox. AZ.

I carry.

I have seen 3 in a day as well. 1 momma and 2 cubs that looked to be about a year old. Seeing 2 run down a road is pretty impressive considering cats hate open areas such as roads. The longest trail on road I have ever seen while tracking was 3 steps on the road because it crossed at an angle. instead of the jump in jump out that is so common.
I live in a heavily populated cat area as well.


Why wouldn't you carry a firearm? I carry lots of stuff I haven't needed to use, like a Phillips screwdriver for example. Crazy huh? I can't remember the last time I've needed a Phillips screwdriver while camping.

I bet when the day comes that I need that screwdriver I'll be glad I have it.


Why wouldn't you carry a firearm? I carry lots of stuff I haven't needed to use, like a Phillips screwdriver for example. Crazy huh? I can't remember the last time I've needed a Phillips screwdriver while camping.

I bet when the day comes that I need that screwdriver I'll be glad I have it.

Careful. You might scare someone with that screwdriver. It isn't black, is it?:sombrero:


So, most camping here in my area on the East coast is deep in the woods and remote. Theres always a hunting knife in my car but I was curious as to how many people camp with a sidearm? Im not looking for a political debate but curious. Camping at an established site, probably not a consideration. Camping deep in the woods where it is just you, your truck, companion (who spawned the question as I think about planning a multiday trip) and whatever/ whomever wanders your way. Maybe?

Im sure this has come up before but I couldnt find it and Im not even sure this is the right section or not.

I usually carry my colt m1991a1 commander in .45acp when Im round back.

its nice living in an open carry state.


So, most camping here in my area on the East coast is deep in the woods and remote. Theres always a hunting knife in my car but I was curious as to how many people camp with a sidearm? Im not looking for a political debate but curious. Camping at an established site, probably not a consideration. Camping deep in the woods where it is just you, your truck, companion (who spawned the question as I think about planning a multiday trip) and whatever/ whomever wanders your way. Maybe?

Im sure this has come up before but I couldnt find it and Im not even sure this is the right section or not.

I NEVER go without guns....and if its a park..even a state park we have either the revolver or a shotgun that stay in the camper or truck just in case.
Yup, when seconds count, a cops is just minutes away.

there was a shooting at the local college this last weekend. halloween party got out of control, campus cop called the PD for backup at 1138, shots fired at 1141, cops showed up at 1145. 18 yr old girl died an hour later.

scumbags.. (the gangbangers, not the cops)
I'm never without a gun on camping trips, and certain hikes. Got a S&W internal hammer 5 shot .357 revolver with very powerful anti-personnel/animal loads.

Having once been on the business end of a two bad guy's guns, I favor the .357 revolver over "trendier" semi-autos for their sheer stopping firepower and revolver for ultra reliability & compactness. The last thing I want when seconds count is a stove-pipe jam, or misfire that requires anything other than a trigger pull to clear.

Revolvers are great this way, especially the internal hammer type. Just keep pulling the trigger, something will happen. And if you need more than five big shots, then you're hanging out in a war zone and should be carrying an M-16 instead.:Wow1:


Expedition Leader
I'm never without a gun on camping trips, and certain hikes. Got a S&W internal hammer 5 shot .357 revolver with very powerful anti-personnel/animal loads.

Having once been on the business end of a two bad guy's guns, I favor the .357 revolver over "trendier" semi-autos for their sheer stopping firepower and revolver for ultra reliability & compactness. The last thing I want when seconds count is a stove-pipe jam, or misfire that requires anything other than a trigger pull to clear.

Revolvers are great this way, especially the internal hammer type. Just keep pulling the trigger, something will happen. And if you need more than five big shots, then you're hanging out in a war zone and should be carrying an M-16 instead.:Wow1:

:peepwall: unless round 1 misfires and you miss 4 times

then, I guess, at least you have a nice heavy blunt object with which to pummel them with. Unless you bought the .357mag Ruger LCR.


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