I'd agree a good pistol shot will do the work for you, but I still wouldn't trust a shotgun at such a distance to do anything substantial. Close range, sure.
Hi Scott,
I've read through the entire thread, and it's not clear to me what you are refering to when you write "at such a distance". How far away were you planning on shooting?
Let's note that both the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska and the Canadian Department of Renewable Resources both consider a 12 gauge, 3 inch magnum shotgun with one inch rifled slugs; or a 30-06 with 200 grain bullets, to be the
MINIMUM power level for bear defense. Professional Hunting guides, who actually have to drop a charging, wounded bear when the client they are guiding only wounds the bear he is hunting, all use much more powerful calibers than a mere 30-06.
ALLof these make any handgun look like a cap gun by comparison. Don't take my word for it. Get some ammo charts and check the numbers yourself.
There are a couple of maxims floating around:
"No intelligent person will take a handgun to a gun fight with any great degree of enthusiasm."
"In combat, a pistol's only purpose is to fight your way back to your rifle, which you shouldn't have put down in the first place."
The second quote is from Clint Smith, who is both a former Vietnam Combat Vet and former chief instructor for Cooper at Gunsite.
As for Bear Spray, I really don't know if it's better than a gun, as good as a gun, or worse than a gun. I do note that it seems like they are suddenly pushing it like crazy. Ever since the law was passed allowing the carrying of firearms in National Parks. A suspicious person might think that they've been ORDERED to sing it's praises so as to discourage people from actually exercising their right to carry in the Parks.
I watched a three part National Geographic special recently on PBS dealing with Brown, Black, and Polar Bears in Alaska. The professional wildlife biologist/expert was seen with a twelve gauge slung over his shoulder in several of the scenes.
I also noted that their backpacking tent had an anti-bear electric fence around it in several scenes. I've heard good things about those, and apparently they work quite well.
As always, just my never-particularly-humble opinion.