Campsite Lighting


Rendezvous Con
This tread is already getting expensive! I just bought two of the USB bulbs with the switch! Looks neat!

I currently use waterproof LED ribbon lights on my wagon's hatch. Gives a huge amount of light. I also use Snow Peak Hozuki Lanterns which surprisingly work very well; they light a large area for cooking and they don't blind you. Not to mention, they also pack really well.


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Jwood, I have one of those as well. puts out an amazing amount of light - perfect for solo camping, and the people are trying to help others with your purchases.

I agree, I have been very pleased with them so far.

We use Luci solar powered lanterns. No fuel, no batteries, very light weight, pack very small, and for us provide plenty of light.

This is why they live in my emergency kit. I'll pull them out on Saturdays when I clean out my car to make sure they have a full charge and then I know I am good for the week.

I have had my Luci lanterns for 6 months now and I have seen no drop off in usability or battery life.


I seriously considered getting that lantern but its performance seems puny compared to the Siege 3D. Your opinion?

Looked at them side by side at Bass-Pro. It could have been the age of the batteries since they were display models but the larger one did not seem bright enough to justify the added purchase cost and battery cost.
Edit to add that I have the Goal Zero guide 10 with solar panel and can use the AA batteries from it in the AA siege.

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New member
I use old school Coleman lantern and I also recently purchased a UST 30-Day Lantern by Ultimate Survival Technologies, yes it uses antiquated D batteries but it provides good light. On low it will last 30 days, recently used it in Anza Borego on a trip and the 30 day was all I needed.


I am looking for feedback, setups and recommendations for campsite lighting. I started with a Coleman Lantern years ago based on my need for nostalgia. That lasted a year. I switched to a couple of Snow Peak Hozuki Lanterns and loved them. They are pricey though and the 3AA batteries are a pain. When I bring along a trap I use glow sticks to mark the guy wires to prevent tripping. I have an array of headlamps and flashlights for mobile use, moving between tent, truck, table and so on.

Tell me what you've got. Even better, show me what you've got.


Regarding 'tripping on guy wires', I'd suggest using reflective rope. Everyone I camp with has a personal headlamp (so they can get up and pee at night). The reflective rope prevents accidents.

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