campsite pics..lets see um


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Funny, I was just doing some rteading on the Forestry trunk road to see what shape it's in. I'd like to take my motorcycle for a jaunt down it.

My oldest daughters boyfriend was just talking about heading down it as well then veering off to check out Ruby Falls which was not terribly far from where you were.

We ran it for just 2ish days the last week of May. Despite regular squalls, nothing ever accumulated and I welcomed any precipitation as the dust was insane! It looked like they'd just graded nearly the entire part we were on. In fact they WERE grading Ya Ha Tinda which provided a bit of slot car-like excitement at times. The middle section was closed for the season until mid-June. We went from Crowsnest Pass to the intersection of 40/541 where we headed east to civilization (ew) then continued up 40 west of Cochrane. We did bail east on 752, though, to start heading over to Edmonton as I was growing tired of the endless dust to make the drive to Nordegg worth it.

We, definitely, plan to return in later years as that entire area is just incredible. I spied a hidden lake and such with my drone from that first spot that I'm dying to access by foot. I'd also love to get up on Wildhorse Ridge, but we simply didn't have the time being at each place just overnight.

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