Can someone smarter than me please explain…


Well-known member
Made a trip from the far West side of Nashville to rescue my daughter with a flat tire in the far SE side of Nashville TN. During the 100 mile drive through several local satellite cities and 2 counties all in the SE side of Nashville there were 9 count em 9 NEW large "Greenfield" gas stations being built in the SE side of Nashville/Murfreesboro TN.

Now the oil company executives are not stupid. They like many of us understand that GAS powered vehicles will be around for a longtime!

We just renegotiated a 20 year lease on a property we own with Mapco Petroleum so they could tear down and build a complete new gas station/convenience store facility on our property. We are talking a new $2MM-$4MM construction project on their part to replace their current facility.

With new vehicle consumption at 15MM-18MM vehicles/year. The saber rattling from the OEM's that they will quit making gas powered vehicles by 2035 along with the current average age of vehicles on the road today in the USA at 12-14 years of age and currently only 1% of vehicles on the road in the USA being electric powered the amount of YEARS it will take to consume/drive/junk all those gas powered vehicles "virtually" ensures that GAS powered vehicles will be around for at least another 35-45 years.

Maybe electric generation in the USA by that time will be sufficient to charge all these electric vehicles that so many dream about AND power homes, business's and industry OR maybe just maybe there may be a newer, better and cleaner transportation fueling option available which will once again displace electric powered vehicles just like what happened in the early 1900's in this country!

"Deja Vu" ???


Most electric vehicles I see produced are "The Three Ugly Ones"!

Our politician are making stupid vote catching EV rules rather than give people the facts.


New member
Who's fossils are they? An energy source is an energy source.

Why should nothing use "fossil fuels"? That's like saying "eventually nothing will use wood fuels". Almost half the people of the earth still uses wood to heat and cook.

Fossil fuels aren't going anywhere... you would be naïve to think people are going to give up their cell phones to save the planet.... it will never happen


Forking Icehole
Fossil fuels aren't going anywhere... you would be naïve to think people are going to give up their cell phones to save the planet.... it will never happen

Yet the average American, who are incapable of doing their own diligence and instead use the mainstream media networks for all their information follow what they read or hear and think "fossil fuels" are killing the world, thus these sheep believe mainstream media as though it was their own personal gospel.

They have no idea how much oil they use in their day to day life, but will continue to echo the lies they hear from the media.


ignore button user
Only vehicles I saw moving were gas and diesel powered vehicles. I hated being out there but when you get the call and you need to be somewhere with little notice gas is kingDAEFAE9D-372A-4306-BC9B-A3A3AD887805.jpeg


I think one of the biggest reasons an ICE is not used to charge the batteries on a full EV is just the shear amount of power those vehicles use. I own a Rivian R1T and it has a 135Kwh battery in it. People don't understand just how much power that is. Sure I can literally plug it into a 110 outlet and I can get 1 mile an hour out of it charging and that is plugged directly into the wall. I could plug it into a generators 220 inverted outlet and maybe get to charge at 7Kwh which would get me about 13 to 15 miles an hour. That's a big generator to do that and you would use more power driving during that hour then that large generator could produce. In short you would never keep up. I believe the key here is two fold we need to develop a more robust DC fast charging network and second will just happen over time is better battery tech in 10 years battery tech will be way better than it is now.

On a side note I didn't by my Rivian to save the world I purchased it because it is **************

Maybe people don't understand how may watts are in a gallon of gasoline. 33.7Kwh - a fuel tank of 15 gallons: 505.5 Kwh


On a side note I didn't by my Rivian to save the world I purchased it because it is **************

I’ve lost track of how many times I have had to tell people that. Yes, it is better for the environment than an ICE truck but that is not the reason I bought it. My last truck was at the very top of the list of worst polluting modern vehicles produced.


New member
Would you break this one down for me? I think this is a fallacy with no actual proof.

Not sure if an EV is better for the environment in the short term but in the long term I would agree that it is. That being said it takes like 5 to 6 years before an EV starts to overcome its initial carbon footprint. That being said I plan to replace my EV with a newer EV in 5 years which means I get a new big carbon footprint. So for me I am never improving the environment but I never purchased my EV for that reason I purchased it because it is d*mn cool.... JerryRigEverything has a good vid on this


Would you break this one down for me? I think this is a fallacy with no actual proof.

Many, many studies can be found proving this point. An EV powered solely by coal power plants is still a cleaner emissions vehicle when full lifecycle from the mine to the junkyard is considered.



Well-known member
Many, many studies can be found proving this point. An EV powered solely by coal power plants is still a cleaner emissions vehicle when full lifecycle from the mine to the junkyard is considered.

None of the EV studies I've seen include the cost of increasing the (nuclear) power supply by 10X or the cost of a distribution system needed to plug 300,000,000 EV vehicles in.

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