Expedition Leader
I've got a Yakima Space Booster I use on occasion. It primarily gets used when I'm doing a trip where I'll go through multiple climates and need to pack an assortment of clothes i.e. ski/winter clothes and more than one sleeping bag. I throw the unused equipment and clothes in the box so it doesn't take up my sleeping area in the back. I also have used it on paddling trips for the same reason. I could care less about it looking like a mall crawler, the Tacoma gets such crappy gas mileage to start with that the (semi)aerodynamic shape of the box is welcomed over a plain rack with Pelican cases (which I also have). Normally I just have the Yakima racks on the truck though; I don't cruise around with the box on.
This thread reminds me I need to clean it off and wipe it down with 303 again.
This thread reminds me I need to clean it off and wipe it down with 303 again.