I would worry about my home fridge if it were mounted in the elements, bounced along the trail and used at times to keep food from freezing not the opposite
At my high school graduation party (20+ years ago now ugh), I won a small dorm fridge, about the same size as my new fridge. It spent 7 years in college, living in different places each year, travelling back home to parents each summer...now as an adult, it's been in all my apartments and now houses...it currently sits under my workbench in the garage (it's home for the last forever years)...it is dented, painted, has stickers, has been knocked over, down, around (but not up!). I've never bothered to let the coolant settle, I've even moved it around roughly while plugged in and on. It's missing shelves, has duct tape holding part of the compressor to the frame, probably has dead spiders from whoknowswhere all crammed up in the mechanism, spent an entire summer outside in the elements on the back porch so I'd have beer at the ready, and through all that it still keeps my beer cold
I used to average about 20-25k per year offroad, now that I'm domesticated, I'm down to about 2-3k per year max, so my demands on a camp fridge probably aren't as tough as others here...I'm assuming my edgestar will last 5-10 years, hopefully more. If it does, I'll buy another one down the line (if they are still around), If it doesn't last that long, but still lasts 3-5 years, and I'm in the financial situation, I'll probably buy an ARB/Engel/etc. If it doesn't last 3 years, I'll be upset I wasted $450 on a fridge that couldn't even last as long as my beater beer fridge that's lasted me 20 (and was free!). I'm patient, I can wait to pass judgment.