Climb and Crawl 2006- 5/19-21/06: Planning Thread

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Expedition Leader
whitethaiger said:
Re gear, sounds like I should look for some shoes. Any recommendations from the experts what to look out for, what's good?
Then, if the adventure budget allows, I can look into the other gear.
HA! the shoes are the expensive part! :ylsmoke: If you're interested in shoes (and I've gone through several pairs), simply just get ones that fit your foot well. They will cost in the neighborhood of $100, so comfort is utmost importance.

If you recall the third grade, we thought cool stripes on the sides of shoes would make you run faster. Remember? Well, no amount of stripes or cool colors will get you up the rock any better, so you may as well be comfy. :xxrotflma. REI markets to the beginner and intermediate climber for sure, so anything they have will be just fine for all mortals.

I hope that helps....?


Thanks again for all of the good info and details Mark. I think I will pick up the belay device and just mooch a sling from you for now.

articulate said:
I thought the BajaTaco machine would be driving the trail. :ylsmoke:

I will play on some of the trails on the way into camp with Uwe. I think I'll take him through the mini-lions back thingamabob and then up and over that loose hill with the nasty switchbacks... :hehe:

Then we will reserve all day Saturday for some low-range crawling with the tootsies :ylsmoke: and cap it off with a scrumptious dinner at camp and some hefeweisen! :beer:


OG Portal Member #183
Sounds Great!

Thanks for the info Mark!

I have one of these in my gear
and i will be bringing it! Hopefully someone can show me how to use it! :D

Only thing i think i need to borrow is an anchor, but i am quite "Husky" so i might not need one! :D

I have only done top roping but am always open to try new stuff as well. I just dont want to be "That Guy" :jump:
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I will bring my rope and extra seats (harness) if we are short. I also have extra belay devices. I have been in the canyon before and everyone will enjoy it. I will be sad to see it go but excited about the new area they are opening up near Aravaipa canyon. Everyone I talk to says it will be the best climbing area in AZ with multiple pitch climbs and amazing views. I just looked for a link for it but can't seem to find it. I will re-post when I find it.
Scott...let me know if you need help with the food. I will do cobbler if its needed and we can use the ovens for breakfast burro's too.
Looking forward to it.


brittan said:
...excited about the new area they are opening up near Aravaipa canyon. Everyone I talk to says it will be the best climbing area in AZ with multiple pitch climbs and amazing views. I just looked for a link for it but can't seem to find it. I will re-post when I find it.

Hey Brittan, I am really glad you are coming on this one. Does the area you are talking about happen to be the area of Tam O'Shanter peak? Also, the Dripping Springs area... here is a press release on it. I have bummed around the Dripping Springs area as a kid, and it is really remote and beautiful.
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Yes it is...Thanks for getting my back.
I am excited. I need to get out before the heat comes on.
See you soon.


Expedition Leader
Do we have a leader for the trail run yet? Right now it looks as if only Jeff and I are going to be running the trail, any other takers?


Boston Mangler said:
Speaking of heat, what is the estimated weather for this area this time of year?


My guess is that the daytime temps will be in the 80's and overnight in the high 50's to low 60's. There is always a chance for some rain, but probably unlikely and no way to guess until the time comes.

Aaron, I bet Bman will be running the trails with you guys. And it's early on, so there may be others joining by then. I have the trail tracks for the Magellan too, so I can share those with you.


Expedition Leader
Cool Chris, thanks. This area is totally new to me, and I am looking forward to checking it out.


articulate said:
HA! the shoes are the expensive part! :ylsmoke: If you're interested in shoes (and I've gone through several pairs), simply just get ones that fit your foot well. They will cost in the neighborhood of $100, so comfort is utmost importance.

If you recall the third grade, we thought cool stripes on the sides of shoes would make you run faster. Remember? Well, no amount of stripes or cool colors will get you up the rock any better, so you may as well be comfy. :xxrotflma. REI markets to the beginner and intermediate climber for sure, so anything they have will be just fine for all mortals.

I hope that helps....?

Okay, went over to REI tonight and used the anniversery coupon on some climbing shoes. We'll see how I did after this trip:rappel:

Thanks again for the advice!

BTW, they were quite a bit more than $100 because I took too long and gave my wife too much time to find stuff in the store. She walked out with a much bigger bad than mine:p


OG Portal Member #183
1.5 weeks to go! Woo Hoo!

Just finished replacing my radiator and installing my aux tank!

I am ready to go!

:camping: :campfire: :rappel:

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I am planning on running the trails. I have never been in the area though so we will be relying on my topos of the area. i need to get to the map store and pick up the right ones. Chris do you have any of the quad names for the area so I get the right maps? Maybe some waypoint coords along the way would even do for me to get the right maps.

I have the CSC Sonic meet on Friday night and haven't yet decided if I will be heading out directly from there (late friday night) or just heading out on early Sat AM (probably do this) so I'm hoping to get some turn off info from one of you that's been out there more than once so that I can meet up with the group w/o major hassles for anyone.

The 60 WILL NOT be ready so I'll be ground tenting it with the 40.


BMAN, will you be using a GPS? If so, what kind? I might be able to send you some data.

The "Superior (AZ)" topo quad should cover it.
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