Concealed Carry - What Have You Got?


Glock 19

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G19 Gen3, Ameriglo Straight Eight Iridium Sights, MagPul 10rnd Mags (Cuz it's Communist Cali), APEX Mag Well, APEX extended Mag Release; bone stock slide, barrel, and guts. Appendix carry with sidecar mag.

Gets me around just fine and not sure about all of you but might want to reconsider carrying a modified weapon for CCW; not just for reliability but legality if you end up using it! I won't get into it because I'm not your lawyer, but might want to confirm interstate laws before you travel with it and your ammo.


Ovrlnd Rd

Not meant to hijack this thread,
Has anyone ever been asked to show concealed carry permit and why?

In TX we're supposed to produce it along with your driver's license when stopped. They already know you have it via their in car computer so you're kind of setting yourself up for additional questions if you don't produce it.

If someone outside of law enforcement asked me I'd tell them to bugger off.

Mickey Bitsko

Seems odd, unprovoked and a need to show "your papers" if you have not been in an altercation.
But, if a police officer comes up behind you on the roadway and runs your plate and sees you have a CCP he has reason to question.
Quite a conundrum.

Mike W.

Well-known member
Christmas present..Walther PPQ M2 .45..a little easier to handle than my Kimber..A little bigger than my Sig..but definitely a sweet addition to the stable.
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Hillbilly of Leisure
Not meant to hijack this thread,
Has anyone ever been asked to show concealed carry permit and why?

I have not been asked, but I intend to promptly inform any LEO I might come into contact with (for speeding tickets or any other incident) that I have a legally concealed weapon on my person if I do indeed have a weapon on me.

Last person I want to surprise is an armed officer of the law.


Officious Intermeddler
Not meant to hijack this thread,
Has anyone ever been asked to show concealed carry permit and why?

In some states you are required by law to disclose you're in possession of a handgun to an LEO without being asked when traffic stopped, in others you’re required to inform the LEO once you are asked, in others there is no duty to disclose. Know the laws of your home state and any you intend to travel through.

you might check out articles like this one
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I’ve been a cop in So Cal for 30 years, so, given my location, coming across someone with a CCW has been rare. From my personal perspective, I appreciate people telling me they have a permit upon contact, not only for my safety, but so I can support their right to carry if no other weapon violation or violence is taking place . A surprise encounter with a weapon might not go well, and a CCW-holder can unnecessarily escalate the situation by withholding that bit of information.

I recently had a CCW-holder pull up to me on his motorcycle. He was bleeding from an injury (non-criminal in nature) to his hand and requested aid. He informed me of his permit and that he had his pistol on his belt. He showed me his CCW without prompting and then, at my request, secured his pistol in his saddlebag so he could be treated by paramedics. Once he was bandaged up and released AMA, he retrieved his pistol and went on his way. Commonsense and respect in play, both ways, made this a non-issue.

Know your rights, understand the officer’s point-of-view, and comply if ordered to do something; save your arguments for court.
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I’ve been a cop in So Cal for 30 years, so, given my location, coming across someone with a CCW has been rare. From my personal perspective, I appreciate people telling me they have a permit upon contact, not only for my safety, but so I can support their right to carry if no other weapon violation or violence is taking place . A surprise encounter with a weapon might not go well, and a CCW-holder can unnecessarily escalate the situation by withholding that bit of information.

I recently had a CCW-holder pull up to me on his motorcycle. He was bleeding from an injury (non-criminal in nature) to his hand and requested aid. He informed me of his permit and that he had his pistol on his belt. He showed me his CCW without prompting and then, at my request, secured his pistol in his saddlebag so he could be treated by paramedics. Once he was bandaged up and released AMA, he retrieved his pistol and went on his way. Commonsense and respect in play, both ways, made this a non-issue.

Know your rights, understand the officer’s point-of-view, and comply if ordered to do something; save your arguments for court.

Isn't the 4th amendment one of our rights?

Why would there ever be an argument? I conceal carry, I have no responsibility to tell the police officer if he pulls me over whether or not I'm caring whether or not I have a permit where I live. We don't even need a permit to conceal carry.

He pulls me over and we talk about what I got pulled over for, maybe I'll get a ticket maybe I don't. Why would whether or not I have a gun in my pocket cause an argument?

If I'm conceal carrying how would you know? if I'm a bad guy why would I even tell you anyway. How would you knowing If me having my 9 mm in my pocket or not would make you any safer?

If somebody threatens you with a gun you shoot them before they shoot you. if they plan on shooting you do you think they're going to tell you they have it.

I grew up in San Bernardino California, my neighbor was a cop and he got shot, nobody told him first. Fortunately he lived.

In 1986 I moved to Orange County. I had a friend who was a cop in Santa Ana he got shot. fortunately he lived. He even had his gun pulled. He always pulled his gun every time he pulled over somebody. He was ready to shoot everybody. He did shoot the guy twice before his Glock stove topped.

I have a close friend that was a probation officer in Needles, he quit because of all the crap. They had a situation work 15 and 16 year old kids called an Uber driver just so they could kill them to see what it looked like.

I was in a Soldier I went into situations where I was a little scared I was ready to shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot.

If it does happen you don't have time to ask questions, if you did have time to ask questions the bad guys are going to lie to you anyway.

I'm sorry if I sound like an a******, I wish you nothing but the best and I hope you stay safe. I appreciate what you do and I could never do it. I could not continually go to situations wondering if I might have to shoot the guy before he shoots me.


Forking Icehole
I appreciate people telling me they have a permit upon contact, not only for my safety, but so I can support their right to carry if no other weapon violation or violence is taking place .

Right, because everybody with a gun is out to get a cop? This kind of bullsh!t is the main reason I never got a CCW permit, I can't tell you how many of the LEO's I work with brag about assing up CCW holders on a routine traffic stop, pulling them out of their vehicle and cuffing them then running their serial numbers as if they are felony criminals, not sure about California but to get a CCW here you have to go thru a process and get signed off by the local sheriff, kind of eliminates criminals from getting one but the honest still get treated like ******** because they dare exercise their 2nd amendment right!
One more reason I Love Nevada, you can keep your handgun locked and loaded anywhere in your vehicle legally, never tell a cop that you have one on a traffic stop and never get treated like a criminal for having one, I support law enforcement right up to the point they pull some of their ******** acting better than others, breaking laws and pulling crap like this, criminal with a badge is no better than the common criminal!

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