you say your pro-second Amendment. Yes. if that were the case then everybody who is a US if that were the case then everybody who is a US citizen, unless they are a criminal or too young, Could be lawfully armed. Yes. why would it bother you if somebody's printing? It doesn’t “bother” me; it heightens my tactical awareness and, since I enforce California law, will cause me to inquire about it for the purpose of making sure the firearm is lawfully being carried. Knowing the person has a CCW answers that question without unnecessary drama. I can see if there's some sort of issue and they're reaching somewhere Such as for a wallet in a front or back pocket or purse, vehicle registration in a glove box, or an insurance card in a center console? and you don't know what's going on Other than knowing why I stopped the person, I rarely know anything about what’s going on in the person’s life, so... but if you see somebody Printing and they're doing nothing wrong and it bothers you you are not pro 2nd Amendment, quit lying. I have to balance my personal support of the Second Amendment with my professional duty to enforce the laws of California. As I am expected to do, I do my best to separate my own beliefs from my duties as a cop. As for calling me a liar? Well, since you don’t know anything about me other than a few Internet posts today, I’ll not worry about your mistaken opinion.
you keep talking about a free pass or people doing something when they're pulled over, every citizen of the United States of America, without exception, is innocent until proven guilty, aren't they? Well, not quite. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law means the court cannot impose punishment upon someone until that bar is met. If you run a red light, steal a pack of gum, rob a bank, etc., and I see you do so, I am the one calling you out on it. Believe it or not, people dislike having their misdeeds pointed out to them. Whether it’s out of embarrassment, fear, or whatever, some people, not all, but some, have a tendency to take it out on the cop who caught them. Most of the time, this is expressed verbally, but it can become physical and lead to a violent encounter.
I'm not talking about walking to a bank robbery I'm talking about pulling somebody over for speeding. I have encountered cooperative suspects who have committed bank robbery and violent people who have been stopped for traffic violations, so while I hope each encounter is peaceful, I cannot count on it being so. Adding a weapon to the equation can turn out badly; if you’re lawfully carrying a firearm with a CCW, why not voluntarily try to mitigate any concerns that might, correctly or not, arise?