those h3 campers look great. I originally wanted a humvee for a trail truck, but decided to go with an older civi hummer to avoid possible pain in the ******** of registration and safety issues. The civi trucks have steel doors, beefier roll bars, 3 point seat belts, and other saftey goodies (like the brackets to keep the hood from slicing you in two in the event of a head-on) to make an accident more, uh, pleasant.
I know several who have them, they sure are awesome offroad...nearly identical to the civi trucks but about 1000 to 1500 lbs lighter. Some had a real problem at the DMV and others breezed right through...go figure. You are on your own for service, but considering the knucklehead mechanics at most dealers that might be considered a good thing. Most here on the Portal probably take care of their own trucks as well.
I've seen these tops go for next to nothing at surplus auctions -- always though it would be great for long distance trips: