Appalachian Ridgerunner
2000 mile report...
It's been nearly two months since the Maxxs' were mounted and I just put over 2000 miles on them. So far I'm very happy with them. I was a little worried if I made the right choice as the wet (as in rain) traction has been slightly worse than the Dean SXTs that were on my Tundra. This has only showed up during heavy down pours though. Don't get me wrong, the wet traction is good but it got me worried about how these Maxxs would do when the snow showed up. I've been running the Tundra all around the woods in the hunt for tasty critters and have found these tires to be excellent in shale tailings, clay, forest soils and sodden, spongy fields. Finally we got some snow last week and was pleasantly surprised by how well the Maxxs preformed. Travelling along icy gravel roads that were blanketed with wet snow, the Maxxs never once fought for traction. Climbing the steep, winding two track to our hunting grounds was easy peasy and jim65wagon can tell you just how steep this track is. They definitely out preformed the old Deans and probably are on par or better than the ******** Cepek FCIIs as far as snow traction. They are definitely better in the muck and mire than the FCIIs. I'm not ready to say that these are better than my old favorite, the FCIIs, but if these do as well when the real snow hits they could be my new favoritest tire ever.:elkgrin:
It's been nearly two months since the Maxxs' were mounted and I just put over 2000 miles on them. So far I'm very happy with them. I was a little worried if I made the right choice as the wet (as in rain) traction has been slightly worse than the Dean SXTs that were on my Tundra. This has only showed up during heavy down pours though. Don't get me wrong, the wet traction is good but it got me worried about how these Maxxs would do when the snow showed up. I've been running the Tundra all around the woods in the hunt for tasty critters and have found these tires to be excellent in shale tailings, clay, forest soils and sodden, spongy fields. Finally we got some snow last week and was pleasantly surprised by how well the Maxxs preformed. Travelling along icy gravel roads that were blanketed with wet snow, the Maxxs never once fought for traction. Climbing the steep, winding two track to our hunting grounds was easy peasy and jim65wagon can tell you just how steep this track is. They definitely out preformed the old Deans and probably are on par or better than the ******** Cepek FCIIs as far as snow traction. They are definitely better in the muck and mire than the FCIIs. I'm not ready to say that these are better than my old favorite, the FCIIs, but if these do as well when the real snow hits they could be my new favoritest tire ever.:elkgrin: