Cooper Discoverer S/T Maxx


Likes to Drive and Ride

Other contenders include the BFG AT-KO and the GY DuraTrac, but I just really dislike the fact the siping is only partial depth on the DT. I need tires than can handle some snow and ice for the occasional storms that blow through Denver in the winter.

Then get a set of the simply outstanding ******** Cepek F-C II with their full depth siping. The F-C is similar in void ratio and purpose, though ******** Cepek has been filling this niche longer.

deadbeat son

Then get a set of the simply outstanding ******** Cepek F-C II with their full depth siping. The F-C is similar in void ratio and purpose, though ******** Cepek has been filling this niche longer.

They're not available in the size I plan to buy, and the reviews I have read touted their poorer winter weather performance when compared to a BFG AT-KO. I assume your experience has been otherwise?


Likes to Drive and Ride
They're not available in the size I plan to buy, and the reviews I have read touted their poorer winter weather performance when compared to a BFG AT-KO. I assume your experience has been otherwise?

If they don't make your size, then my suggestion is invalid. :)

I don't want to take over Jim's S/T MAXX thread, but to be brief I'm not a big BFG AT fan and the F-C II is the best winter tire I've ever ran (I don't buy dedicated winter tires).

Lots of F-C II info in this thread********-Cepek-Fun-Country-II

and some F-C II info and lots of general tire info on my blog.

Here is one post about the F-C II tires.********-cepek-f-c-ii-review-no-1/



Appalachian Ridgerunner
While out car picking over in eastern Ohio I experienced a interior sidewall blow-out on the drivers front ST Maxx. I'd like to say I was out in the woods driving some isolated trail but in fact it occurred as I was backing out of a parking space at a roadside diner....I guess that BBQ steakhouse burger was a little too much...


The tire has 10,000 miles on it, was inflated to 45 psi and was originally on the driver rear before being rotated forward.

I met up with my tire guy Fran and the local Cooper rep yesterday. After a bunch of head scratching, postulating and recounting personal experiences with tire problems what we surmise is that there might have been an older impact hit on the interior side that hit right on the manufacturing seam causing a weak spot. The Cooper rep also said it might be a manufacturing defect as the tear is not indicative of a straight out impact while adding in the fact that my truck hasn't seen even moderate trail use in some time.

As the tires all were of the same manufacturing batch and just to be sure we pulled the other three tires off the truck, de-mounted them off the rims and we examined them all for any observable defects and found nothing. The Cooper rep said it was looking more like a bad apple and offered to provide a replacement at no cost. He also said if I had any other problems that Cooper would take care of it. This was the first case of a possible defect in the Armor Tek carcass that he was aware of. The tire is heading back to Cooper for some testing and he said he'd let Fran and I know what they determined.

Can't ask more than that.


Likes to Drive and Ride
As soon as I saw that picture I thought "manufacturing defect"... Being that this is you and your tire, it's highly unlikely any of your use (or alleged abuse) caused this failure.
Severely under-inflated, overheated, or overloaded since put into service? I doubt it, and I'm sure you know the answer.

It's nice Cooper is giving you a new tire, the only thing to do. When you wrote that all the tires are from the same lot, I thought the next thing you were going to type was that they were going to give you a new 'set', replacing them all. That would be ideal, but would cost them a few dollars.

As you know, the Cooper S/T MAXX is one stout tire with a very heavy-duty casing (like the Toyo M/T), but it just reinforces the fact that all tires are relatively fragile and soft and are sooner or later a disposable, wear item.

Glad you didn't have a wile ride at speed when it decided to separate.

Confirming, the casing/sidewall split but the tire still held air?

Thanks for the updates!



Appalachian Ridgerunner
As soon as I saw that picture I thought "manufacturing defect"... Being that this is you and your tire, it's highly unlikely any of your use (or alleged abuse) caused this failure.
Severely under-inflated, overheated, or overloaded since put into service? I doubt it, and I'm sure you know the answer.

Yep, its sad to say, these tires have just had a normal service life so far.

It's nice Cooper is giving you a new tire, the only thing to do. When you wrote that all the tires are from the same lot, I thought the next thing you were going to type was that they were going to give you a new 'set', replacing them all. That would be ideal, but would cost them a few dollars.

I really just would have been happy with a prorate rebate on a new tire but am happy with how Cooper Tire is handling this. If I start to have problems with the rest Cooper will replace the tires. But to me if its just a bad tire and the rest are fine there's no need to replace them all. I had problems with a set of Goodyear tires a decade ago and ended up ready to throttle a Goodyear rep. Its one of the reasons I shy away from that brand.

Glad you didn't have a while ride at speed when it decided to separate.

Confirming, the casing/sidewall split but the tire still held air?

Yep, at speed it could have been interesting. I heard the sidewall "pop" as I was backing out of the parking space. I knew something was off, but it took me awhile to find the problem as the tear was hard to see under the truck. My wife swore I was just hearing things. Once I found it, I pulled out of the way and threw the spare on.

There was no air leaking but as this happened Saturday, by Monday the tire was down on air some. There was the smallest of slits in the interior casing but it was really hard to find. It wasn't until several inspections that Fran found it.

Thanks for the updates!

I'll post up whatever we hear back from Cooper.
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Any updates on this? Also, has anybody found a reasonable pricing on 285/75/16 or 275/70/18? Cheapest I found is at Discount Tire at $250. I can't justify this, as BFG KO's are $217. BFG's have been excellent during the snow months for me and my current set has close to 70k miles with about 20% left.


SE Expedition Society
I wish this tire came in 285/75-17 ---- all I have to pick from in that size are Nittos, Toyos, & KM2.

I ordered a set of Toyo Open Country AT-II from Discount Tire. Toyo sent the older model ATs and Discount didn't notice the difference. They mounted them and I didn't notice for two days ----- Toyo's response was that the tire I ordered was back-ordered so they sent these instead...
Discount Tire in Alpahretta will replace with the correct tires when they come in.


Since we're all wishing, I'll wish too... I wish half of you that want a new size of the ST Maxx would write Cooper and say so!!! I talked to them last fall about offering a 255/85R16 or R17 for those of us with work trucks, where taller is good, but wider just uses more fuel... They said nobody asks for that size anymore. They don't surf 10,000 different forums to see what we want, they need your input directly! Cooper does pretty good about reading their e-mail. The nice gent I talked to at SEMA last year had just read my e-mail the week before, and was able to tell me that I was the ONLY e-mail he'd gotten asking for a 255/85 ST Maxx.

And don't think asking at Discount Tire is good enough... They just look to see what's available, they don't call Cooper to complain that a size you asked for isn't.

If they know they can sell a tire size, they WILL make it. If nobody has asked them for it, then they have no reason to put it in production.
Ok, I feel better.

Here's the address:
I added a few links to threads here and on where people were asking for 255's or something similarly taller than stock without a big fat section width.
That's the only way they're going to know that we're looking for something they don't sell.


well my 33" BFG MT's finally got a little to long in the tooth for comfort and with winter on it's way up here I didn't want to chance it on the Rubi this year... I have to say that the old Mt's sure taught you how to drive... after reading a great deal of information on the internet I decided that we all have some favorite's... I am a MT fan even for winters up here in Canuckistan... but with having to commute more then double the hwy time now I wanted something a little more stable and I am doing more blacktop and gravel then muck so it was a real toss up between the GY DuraTrac's and the Cooper St Maxx...and the winner is - Cooper ST Maxx! I really think I made the right decision - I love the ride and feel of the tires and they look great. I can't get over how quiet they are - again coming from a MT. I just finished registering the tires online and checking the lug nuts torque - 120lbs is in the service manual spec. range.

I just want to say thanks for all the candid information - kudos
awesome link - Kudos!
*Image: Copyright 2012 Langan*
Cooper ST Maxx - Copy.jpg
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p nut

I'm thinking this would be a good replacement for my current BFG KO's. My rig is not a DD and only sees the light of day for skiing, fishing, hunting, scout trips. Will put on 5k miles a year, which the tires will probably dry rot before I need to replace due to tread wear. One thing I'm debating is whether to get them siped due to the winter conditions here. I see lots of snow up the canyon during the winter.

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