Hmm, seems like a fairly good deal if you want an all in one solution with good customer service from costco. I think this kit is the same or very close to ones that have been offered from amazon (see another post here), and sold under a variety of names. However it does appear to have a couple of drawbacks. These are amorphous silicon panels, so the efficiency is significantly lower than crystalline panels. It takes about 2-3x the area of amorphous panels to generate the same power as a crystalline panel. Particularly if you were thinking of mounting these to a rack or your roof, this may not be what you want. Secondly the charge controller appears to be the sunforce 7 amp controller, which I think is a simple on at x volts, off at y volts charger, which is not as effective as a PWM or MPPT charger.
I think an off brand (ramsond, UL solar etc) 50W - 80W crystalline cell (~$150 - $200) and a morningstar PWM controller ($60) maybe a better deal if you are willing to piece it together yourself.