Critical Spares List: Discovery I

tinker trek

If you are the owner of a disco as I am, all these spare parts being hauled around is not practical - all your going to need is a good pair of hiking boots
and a camel back full of water to get yourself out.:coffeedrink:

No really, I do like everyone's list of spares on here - but it does get to a point when you have to really look at what is practical..You go around town all the time hunderds of miles without unless it's offroad related I don't carry it. May wish I had some day? But room & weight is important to me when traveling off road.


Why ruin your precious little time offroad if it can be avoided.
Its a good feeling to have a part & get your buddy rolling.... :wings:

Scott Brady

As said earlier, it is a balance, and depends on where you travel and who you travel with.

Solo in Baja, or Solo in the Utah desert, I would carry as many critical spares as possible.

With a group on a local trail, obviously the risk is much lower.


As said earlier, it is a balance, and depends on where you travel and who you travel with.

Solo in Baja, or Solo in the Utah desert, I would carry as many critical spares as possible.

With a group on a local trail, obviously the risk is much lower.

yes I agree 100%

one key part people always forget is it also takes someone that can diagnose a issue and then repair it correctly.

It takes more then a list of parts and tools, it takes knowledge.


Expedition Leader
These spares boxes are impressive. But it reminds me of the guy driving through Baja in his Toyota with practically one of everything in the back. First he breaks a leaf spring, and replaces it with his spare. Then he breaks an axel, replaces that too. Then he tears off his steering box, and his friends (who are driving stock vehicles with no spares at all) say, "If you weren't carrying 1000 pounds of parts, your truck might not break so much."
That's very true, and a balance has to be struck.
It's interesting that the thread title is "critical spares" yet I see a good bit listed that I'd really have second thoughts about calling "critical".
For instance, even a CV joint I probably wouldn't call critical on a winch equipped vehicle, depending on where the journey is headed. How often on a typical overland trip do you actually need 4WD? My consideration would be if I broke a CV, would I be able to winch past the 4WD needed parts to get back to a place where I can get one shipped to me? I've broken down in places a long way from home before, and just used the time to explore locally until I get the part. Obviously the amount of time you have is a factor as well.
Starter and alternator I'd probably just take the parts I'd expect to fail, bearings, diodes, brushes, bendix etc.
Not saying this is right for everyone, but it's the sort of thing I think about when balancing weight vs mobility. Of course certain things are "critical" like the crank position sensor.

Checking to see if I can edit my post
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That's very true, and a balance has to be struck.
It's interesting that the thread title is "critical spares" yet I see a good bit listed that I'd really have second thoughts about calling "critical".
For instance, even a CV joint I probably wouldn't call critical on a winch equipped vehicle, depending on where the journey is headed. How often on a typical overland trip do you actually need 4WD? My consideration would be if I broke a CV, would I be able to winch past the 4WD needed parts to get back to a place where I can get one shipped to me? I've broken down in places a long way from home before, and just used the time to explore locally until I get the part. Obviously the amount of time you have is a factor as well.
Starter and alternator I'd probably just take the parts I'd expect to fail, bearings, diodes, brushes, bendix etc.
Not saying this is right for everyone, but it's the sort of thing I think about when balancing weight vs mobility. Of course certain things are "critical" like the crank position sensor.

HAve you had a MM alt apart before>>>


Expedition Leader
just tow a spare rover behind you. it would be easier.:victory:

just kidding.:coffeedrink:
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Expedition Leader
HAve you had a MM alt apart before>>>
Had a lot of Lucas and Delco apart, not a MM, though I have one in the garage I was going to have a look at when I get around to it.
Reading between the lines I 'm guessing you're saying I'm a bit doolally talking about repairing a MM.

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