What a bunch of whiney weenies..lol.
He prepped his truck, he walked it, waited for a second vehicle, and did it.
I thought expo'rs were ADVENTUROUS!! Buncha type A, planners.
thanks for posting.
Only at the keyboard and monitor.
Fellas, no need for cheap shots. For me at least, I am a US Army Ranger. I am paid by your tax dollars to travel to far away places, jump out of airplanes, and get blown up by and exchange gunfire with the enemies of our country for months on end... while y'all hang out in the wilderness and enjoy your trucks. Trust me, gentlemen, I know a thing or two about adventure, and I am not risk averse.
But I am risk aware.
I have zero problem with Clark making the decision to risk his own life and truck for this moment. However, as someone who has been involved with swift water rescue twice in my life, I am not okay with the thought of anyone "innocent" having to go in after him had something gone wrong.
Clark may have been thoroughly prepared and the attempt well-thought out, and for that, as you all have, I will offer him praise. (Well done, Clark; you're truck is cool and you have big balls.) However, the odds became exponentially greater for someone else to have to go in after him and his truck once he made the
unnecessary decision to travel into the water--those are odds which didn't even exist before that moment.
I stand behind my earlier statements. It was an unnecessary risk which it potentially placed the lives of others in danger for no justifiable reason other than bragging rights on ExPo and YouTube, and therefore, in the minds of most cops, firemen, SAR, and the general public, it reflects poorly on every responsible trail user.
We will agree to disagree on this topic. No hard feelings, swear.
See y'all out there.