OK, so it was a stop/start type of endeavor that took the whole weekend, but my fabricator buddy did in fact get my "bullbar" uprights added to my bumper.
OMG!!...I LOVE the work he did.
- Quality welds,
- Quality bends,
- Spaced/Positioned perfectly to clear my grill and fender sheetmetal.
-Looks great, IMO, too, which is icing compared to the protection it adds to the cooling system and motor from animal strikes and wayward vehicles.
I'm definitely not done adding to the bars, as I need light mounts and antenna mounts for my HAM and CB radios, as well as possibly routing a forward air compressor hookup, but that can all come later.
Also, I have some fairly serious plans to add a "hybrid" exocage to this jeep, and we planned these uprights to eventually become the front tie-in points for the barwork to connect to along the fenders from the "A" pillar. Still not sure on the exact design, but running the tubing inside the fenders is probably the plan, to keep it very low-profile and as "factory" looking as possible.
I took pics, but forgot to bring my card to work, so I'll post them up this afternoon.