I was given a Geneva sidebed toolbox from my future father in law that he had laying around. At work they were going to throw away some metal paper bins or w/e they are actually called. I have to do a little customization for how it will be mounted to the floor, but that won't be too bad. I took those metal bins, wire wheeled the rust off of them, and painted them flat black. I am in the process of wire wheeling the small rust spots on the tool box and spray painting them. There is enough room in the tool box to put any extra gazettes, and I can also put the ones I would use more frequently in the paper bins. I also took a plastic console that I was going to use, cut it up and attached cup holders and other things to it. I am also going to put padding on the top since it is just the perfect height as an arm rest in my M1009
I have another paper bin thing on the other side. The reason that it sticks below the console is because of the contour of the cab area.

I have another paper bin thing on the other side. The reason that it sticks below the console is because of the contour of the cab area.