Desertdude said:
I just read a tip on removing badging from automobiles - heat gun and dental floss - sounds like an easy one - I am one it!
Dude - I did this on my T100 and I have a few pics of the process, but they're saved on my computer at home and I'm obviously hard at work right now. I'll post pics later tonight but if you're starting to gather stuff I highly encourage you to run to the hardware store and pick up a can of 3M Adhesive Remover.
I pulled my tailgate completely off, to save my back muscles, and laid it out on my work bench. I used a hairdyer to heat the emblems. Then I sprayed one edge with the 3M remover. I used a plastic scraper that looks like a tongue depressor to start prying up one corner. The best suggestion I can offer is to let the 3M soak for a few minutes before scraping the glue residue away, don't rush it!
The T100 had a 5 inch tall and tailgate wide banner emblem so it took about 2 hours from start to finish. Dental floss, wrapped around 2 pencils like a small saw, will work on small emblems but a small plastic scraper, even a credit card will work much better. Be sure your emblems are glued and not held by clips before you start this! I'll post pics later -
- K.C.