Diesel Conversion kit thoughts....


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I want to get the opinion of Expo members on the diesel conversion that e-body has been discussing. I've gotten quite a few calls from OJ readers, and I think the time right to get a "kit" ready. My main concern is cost.... I know that allot of guys "want" the diesel conversion, but is the cost a reality for most of us? That's the question that needs to be answered.

The "kit" would be COMPLETE, everything needed to install the diesel engine. Everything from the engine, motor mounts, sending units, radiator & inter cooler, belts, hoses, and clamps.

My quick calculation puts the kit price at around 16K. Thoughts????



Supporting Sponsor
New engine. FJ60 & 62 for sure right now..... And yes, you'll have to check your local laws to see what can be done.


Well, you didn't say we had to own a LC to give an opinion, so here goes. Sounds about 3-4K too high, but what do I know. (Shipping and the cost of everything has certainly gone up since I checked into conversion costs of various diesels.)

What would the price of just the motor be? What I'm saying is, if you offered just the motor at a certain price, people could see the value in the kit.

Would this be the 2.8 International? If so, please tell us about the injection system. Completely mechanical, so no computers required?

Scott M.


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LC OWNERS ONLY!!!!!!!!! :D

j/k. The motor itself is 10K by the time we get it here. Yes, it's the International 2.8, and it's mechanical injection. Allot of the conversion parts are made custom, or in very low volume. So that drives the cost up. And of course, prices would go down if volume goes up, even though I don't expect to be selling these kits in high #'s.


Expedition Leader
I think that is priced right there with Proffitt's and Diesel Toyz. A little more than I would like to spend when diesel is in the plus $4.50 a gallon range locally at the moment. But, it's not out of line with what everybody else is charging. Honestly, I would have thought you guys were studs if you brought this in at $14999.95

The only part that makes it hard to swallow is that it's for an 18 year old platform at least. It would make it easier to justify (IMHO) for me if you would make a conversion for the 80 series at least. Or a hilux/4Runner like Diesel Toyz does.

That way you would get the added benefits of a newer power plant with a more modern ride.

I do believe I am TLC's target customer as this comes from a guy that paid more than the projected kit price to have a diesel HJ45 imported from Australia. Leaf Springs, no AC, power steering or anything like it.

What are the parts availability like for these motors? Can I go into the local International dealer and have him work on it? Are the Tech's going to be familiar with the motor? Can I get parts over the counter there as well?

These questions bring me to another one. Do I as a consumer really need another (Possibly Obsolete) diesel cruiser in the driveway? No, but when has need ever dictated what I drive, so excuse me while I go look for super clean Dune Beige 60 series with the headlight washers.


Your pricing sounds about right, for a new, installed diesel complete. I think your market is the people dropping $50K+ into a completely rebuilt 60 etc series.

On the other hand, the average owner who just wants better and more power might top out around $8000, which is still a chunk of change. With a bit of creativity you could get a good condition 1HZ installed for around that, with the potential for a future turbo - pay for the power in stages...

Just my thoughts.


I'll preface this with the fact that I am not in your projected market group, however, I think you're pretty much spot on.

I kept exacting records of my diesel conversion and all told, with 6 weeks of late nights and countless hours of custom fabrication work, it came in at $9,480.
That included 7k for a used HZ engine with an HDT turbo.
The other three grand encompassed all the ancillary components.
If your engine is coming in at 10k, that 3k in bits and pieces that I had, puts the total at 13k and I would certainly not consider doing all the custom fabrication for another 2k. Your projected price is only another 1k over that which seems more than reasonable to try and recoup the R&D investment.

I personally would like to see you offer a "package" deal for the whole kit, but be willing to sell individual components as well.
Kevin R.

edit-looking back over the other posts, I did not get the impression that the 16k would include any kind of installation? If that were the case I would say that it is a screaming deal and folks should go get it done before you go out of business.
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Expedition Leader
KMR said:
edit-looking back over the other posts, I did not get the impression that the 16k would include any kind of installation? If that were the case I would say that it is a screaming deal and folks should go get it done before you go out of business.

I agree, if I give you $16K, drop off a 60 and come back to drive it away that sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

for me if you would make a conversion for the 80 series

I also feel that is some how you could "legally" (edit) in CA, put the diesel in an 80 the would be the perfect scenario in my mind. As much as I love 60's, a diesel 5-spd 80 is probably my dream all-around cruiser.


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The 16K is just the parts, no install. Like I said earlier, we're always dealing with supplier issues, trying to keep quality up with cost down. Things change often!!


Expedition Leader
What are the parts availability like for these motors? Can I go into the local International dealer and have him work on it? Are the Tech's going to be familiar with the motor? Can I get parts over the counter there as well?

Do you by chance know the answers to the above questions?

Scott Brady

I would be curious if those who believed the cost is too high have seen a TLC project up close. Not just in a magazine, but around it, in it, drive it?

For me, I see this amazing value in buying an FJ60 for 5k or so, then installing the diesel for another 17k, which puts you at 22k. Then spend another 5k on restoration efforts, OME, tires and wheels. That puts you at 27k for a vehicle that will absolutely last 20 years or more, looks awesome, tough as nails and you can take the pleasure in knowing that you recycled a classic expedition vehicle and can get better fuel economy than a CRV... Maybe a different way to think about it.

I made the same commitment, but with the Land Rover Discovery, and I am SO GLAD that I did.


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Do you by chance know the answers to the above questions?

Sorry, meant to answer that... We buy the engines from SA because we can't source them new here in the US. These engines are around, and have been used for many years in the US. Belts, hoses, that's the easy stuff. The engine controls are Bosch, who has excellent US distribution. I think any shop with general diesel knowledge can work on it, it's a simple engine.


Expedition Leader
expeditionswest said:
I would be curious if those who believed the cost is too high have seen a TLC project up close. Not just in a magazine, but around it, in it, drive it?

For me, I see this amazing value in buying an FJ60 for 5k or so, then installing the diesel for another 17k, which puts you at 22k. Then spend another 5k on restoration efforts, OME, tires and wheels. That puts you at 27k for a vehicle that will absolutely last 20 years or more, looks awesome, tough as nails and you can take the pleasure in knowing that you recycled a classic expedition vehicle and can get better fuel economy than a CRV... Maybe a different way to think about it.

I made the same commitment, but with the Land Rover Discovery, and I am SO GLAD that I did.

Scott, that is exactly the way I look at it. And to answer your first question directly, no. But, I have read enough about TLC to know that its true and worth every penny.

I think if you are looking at a new JK Rubi @ ~ $31K, then no its not too expensive. But, people have different priorities and I'm sure some people are hesitant about putting that much money into a 20 year old vehicle.


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One thing I've learned since I've been here is that PEOPLE LOVE THEIR LAND CRUISERS!!!!!!!!!!

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