Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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Explorer can't shoot it well, so it's a stupid gun? Who's afraid of what?

Are Airbus aircraft stupid because you can't fly them? Square rigged ships stupid because you can't sail them?

Get a grip. That'll help with your shooting, too.


Photographer in the Wild
ahh ******** they brought out that stupid S&W 500.
I really hate to say this but that was the dumbest most impractical design and pistol caliber I have ever seen or tested. I am really glad that it was not my money that was spent on it.
Rob - Anyone shooting a gun into the air that is not just a cap gun is retarded. gun fire is hearing directional regardless of what you think.
I have to say i am a lot more of a rifle fan than a pistol fan and that steyr scout is bad a**.


It's also a perfect example of the state of fear you guys are living in. Nice how they include a... what is that... a book or a DVD about bear attacks?

I fired a S&W 500. It's a ************* stupid gun. You've got one shot, so you better make it count. In the time it takes you to reposition, somebody with a semi-auto 9mm will have emptied their clip, or the bear will have closed range.

Ignorant, not sure if you saw the link I posted earlier with similar info. A study done up in Alaska showed bear spray was what... 96 or 97% effective in stopping an attack, and IIRC, the other 3-4% were not killed.

Yet these same guys go on and on about "it's a tool" and "being prepared" and "Rather have it than need it", etc. But you want to bet they don't carry a can of bear spray IN ADDITION to a gun?

This isn't about numbers or reality. This is religion. Religion allows them to deny the numbers, and create their own reality.

These guys are 10 times more likely to get hit by lightning than they are to get attacked by anything. Yet you think they carry a SPOT device, HAM radio, or any form of long-range communication? I bet most of them don't. But it's all about "being prepared", "having and not needing", isn't it?

Oh, but they can fire a gun off into the air to create a non-directional, non-specific signal to... somebody who might hear it, maybe, if they're lucky.

It is obvious that you loathe firearms and that you despise people who don't share your blind rage against firearms and those who own them.

************* stupid gun, emptied their clip, ignorant, religion.....


Expedition Leader
Another one who hasn't read the thread, but blindly posting in defense of guns.

I think guns are cool, I really like the technology in some of them.

I will get one when I have the money.

There's even one of the most pro-gun guys in this discussion agreeing with me on the S&W 500, yet that doesn't stop you from taking my words out of context. Nor does it matter that I was stating other guns are *better* because you can "empty the clip" in the time it takes to get 2 shots off. I'm not even remotely arguing that there's anything wrong with emptying a clip. If you need to, you need to.

And "Ignorant" is a posters NAME that I was responding to from page 36!

Read the thread!


Expedition Leader
"Clips" are what gangbangers and drug dealers use. "Magazine" is what sportsman, military, police, and well armed campers use. Just sayin'

Root Moose

Expedition Leader
"Clips" are what gangbangers and drug dealers use. "Magazine" is what sportsman, military, police, and well armed campers use. Just sayin'

Must be a local dialect thing. Clip goes in a hand gun, magazine goes in a long gun. Or maybe we've got it all wrong from watching too much American TV and movies. ;)


Another one who hasn't read the thread, but blindly posting in defense of guns.

I think guns are cool, I really like the technology in some of them.

I will get one when I have the money.

There's even one of the most pro-gun guys in this discussion agreeing with me on the S&W 500, yet that doesn't stop you from taking my words out of context. Nor does it matter that I was stating other guns are *better* because you can "empty the clip" in the time it takes to get 2 shots off. I'm not even remotely arguing that there's anything wrong with emptying a clip. If you need to, you need to.

And "Ignorant" is a posters NAME that I was responding to from page 36!

Read the thread!

Okay. I fell for the "Ignorant" name in the middle of your rant. Mea Culpa.

The fact that you have posted over 40 times in this thread speaks volumes. Especially "Does it speak to some people's propensity to believe anything to be true, no matter how ridiculous, if it supports their current views?" . Just because I have not posted prior to this you ASSume I have not read the thread and you already decided that I am "Blindly defending guns" which I never have. The specter of you as a gun owner is downright indefensible.. :elkgrin:


Must be a local dialect thing. Clip goes in a hand gun, magazine goes in a long gun. Or maybe we've got it all wrong from watching too much American TV and movies. ;)

Yeah, you've been watching too many gang-banger flicks.

Magazines are not clips.



Expedition Leader
I just had some really good banana bread, that my wife made.

Wait, what were we talking about? OH yeah That S&W is really stupid.

Be a good hammer for tent stakes I'll bet?

Here's my suggestion:

-Marlin guide gun in .45-70 for bears

-9mm auto, 45acp, or .357mag for mtn. lions, stray dogs, tweakers from the forest

-Bear spray so you don't have to kill the bear...

Spot for when you scream like a girl, run for you tent, get bit on the *****, and have to get first aid.

-CB, so that you're buddies can make "bear bite on the butt" jokes all the way home


Expedition Leader
Why would it be wrong for somebody to assume you didn't read the thread, when I've posted several times within it that I don't hate guns, I want to buy a gun eventually, and have even gone shooting for fun. Seems it would be more wrong if I had actually assumed you HAD read the thread.

I posted 40 times in this thread because it started out in the general section where there was some hope of actually having a discussion with other people who might put some thought into the question, instead of just resorting to brute-force "you're a moron if you don't have a gun".

I know I've certainly got some things out of this thread. Namely, even after I have a gun, I'll still use the pepper spray first. Even if I have a gun in Canada, I still have to carry it unloaded, meaning an 870 is less practical. Not to mention the potential ineffectiveness of it. A small, powerful "handy" rifle like a guide gun, or the scout rifle make more sense to me.


Photographer in the Wild
I just had some really good banana bread, that my wife made.

Wait, what were we talking about? OH yeah That S&W is really stupid.

Be a good hammer for tent stakes I'll bet?

Here's my suggestion:

-Marlin guide gun in .45-70 for bears

-9mm auto, 45acp, or .357mag for mtn. lions, stray dogs, tweakers from the forest

-Bear spray so you don't have to kill the bear...

Spot for when you scream like a girl, run for you tent, get bit on the *****, and have to get first aid.

-CB, so that you're buddies can make "bear bite on the butt" jokes all the way home

Your just about spot on here.

Rob, the one big problem with the spray is the distance with which it can be "properly" administered. I do not care for the documents linked to the thread because most of those are created by anti gun/ anti hunting legislation anyways. The document referring to tests done on animals that where either aggressive or rummaging through garbage is very sketchy at best. A bears frame of mind while rummaging is totally different than a bear in a foul mood. I have personally scared bears out of the garbage by just yelling and waving my arms, where as a bear that is aggressive or stalking is intent on you. what's worse is the fact that you do not want to spray near your camp or any where your gonna be as pepper spray is also an attractant.

I would like to point out that I do not carry a weapon in the woods because I fear but rather the usefulness of a firearm in general. As mentioned before there are many pot "farmers", snakes, bear, boar, mountain lion in the areas i frequent, but as stated before they do not worry me much. I am safe about letting people know a general direction I am going. I have only had to discharge a firearm 3 times for safety reasons. one of those being a health issue while hunting in the bottom of a canyon that radios would not work in. Horses were brought in and I was hauled to the nearest road and to the hospital.
My family has always carried. As far as I can recall, the safe practiced handling and discharging of firearms has been ingrained into us and I will continue to teach those valued lessons to my daughter. Practice and repetition is key.


Why would it be wrong for somebody to assume you didn't read the thread, when I've posted several times within it that I don't hate guns, I want to buy a gun eventually, and have even gone shooting for fun. Seems it would be more wrong if I had actually assumed you HAD read the thread.

I posted 40 times in this thread because it started out in the general section where there was some hope of actually having a discussion with other people who might put some thought into the question, instead of just resorting to brute-force "you're a moron if you don't have a gun".

I know I've certainly got some things out of this thread. Namely, even after I have a gun, I'll still use the pepper spray first. Even if I have a gun in Canada, I still have to carry it unloaded, meaning an 870 is less practical. Not to mention the potential ineffectiveness of it. A small, powerful "handy" rifle like a guide gun, or the scout rifle make more sense to me.

Because ***uming anything come with the responsibility of admitting you were wrong? But you instead just resort to brute-force "you're a moron because you didn't read the thread". Wait, that sounds like something you would say....
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