Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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Some things just drive me crazy........

Rifles and Pistols both use a magazine. I'm not aware of any Pistols that use a Clip.

A clip was used in WWI and some early WWII rifles. They held a series of cartridges so they could be forced down into the "internal magazine" with one push of the thumb......Once the cartridges were loaded into the rifles magazine, the clip was discarded.



A Magazine is the part of the firearm that stores the cartridges. Some are detachable and some are integral.........



A Magazine is never a Clip!


Never really felt the need to carry a gun while camping until I got my LTCH. Now when I camp I will have it for the piece of mind more than anything. I won't deal with anything that will kill me around here. Other places i.e. Colorado when I visit friends. I would be more worried and probably have something bigger than the ol' XD on me.


Photographer in the Wild
Never really felt the need to carry a gun while camping until I got my LTCH. Now when I camp I will have it for the piece of mind more than anything. I won't deal with anything that will kill me around here. Other places i.e. Colorado when I visit friends. I would be more worried and probably have something bigger than the ol' XD on me.

The XD is a heck of a pistol. I debated long and hard on the XD and the MILPRO pt145. I ended up with the 145 because I preferred the trigger response. On the other hand, there are more paddle holsters for the XD. I am trying to remold the blackhawk that fits the 24/7 to fit. I like the serpa release over the fobus tension paddles


New member
Interesting responses for a changing world we live in..always have the basics when camping or heading into the woods which is 101 for all of pre departure list is longer than most as murphy's law allways happens to me. As far as protection I would first check the State laws with respects to firearms. If you don't have your permit to carry..get it even if you never use it..its a great course and it sends a message to Washington on rights we intend perserving...I would skip the shot gun because of scatter and circumstances where you may want to have more control..its also unwieldy. My suggestion is a semi auto 45 stainless..there many to choose from but at the end of the day if you find your going to need it..your going to want its stopping power, be it a bear, where loud noise would do the trick, or a chance encounter with an unfriendly....


Ignorant, not sure if you saw the link I posted earlier with similar info. A study done up in Alaska showed bear spray was what... 96 or 97% effective in stopping an attack, and IIRC, the other 3-4% were not killed.

Yet these same guys go on and on about "it's a tool" and "being prepared" and "Rather have it than need it", etc. But you want to bet they don't carry a can of bear spray IN ADDITION to a gun?

This isn't about numbers or reality. This is religion. Religion allows them to deny the numbers, and create their own reality.

I saw that link.. I posted it too somewhere.. L0L.

Religion isn't probably the proper word to use, I'd say it's about beliefs. Belief systems are not necessarily based upon fact, nor do they need to be.

I think this is also about skills. I shoot clay pigeons out of the air for fun. I can handle a shotgun, a rifle and pistol. I probably won't:
  1. Be able to use one in a life or death situation
  2. Have the training time in needed to be able to hit a charging bear or animal
  3. have faith in myself with a gun in a critical situation

If I'm going to pack a gun, I'm going to bring a shotgun, or M24 Savage. Those are useful to me. I'm also going to bring a can of spray. If i'm hiking, I'll use the spray. If I'm at camp.. Then I'll use the gun.

I really don't understand the people who bring like 46 guns with them camping. I do not have the room for it, nor do I want to carry it.

As for Alaskan guides, hunter types, military, and LEO's.. It's wonderful that you have the nerves of steel and the skill to bring down a charging animal with one shot. I don't and I don't have the time to practice.

All in all this thread has been a good dialog. I do not understand the extremes of the argument for or against guns.

P.S. Just admit it guys, you bring them camping because they are fun to shoot and you can in the outside. :elkgrin:



P.S. Just admit it guys, you bring them camping because they are fun to shoot and you can in the outside. :elkgrin:

You are so correct! :victory:

The flip side is that other people don't want them around due to reasonable fears of accidents with children, personal phobias and foibles, noise hurts their ears, liability concerns etc. No problem with that either.


Photographer in the Wild
I really don't understand the people who bring like 46 guns with them camping. I do not have the room for it, nor do I want to carry it.

As for Alaskan guides, hunter types, military, and LEO's.. It's wonderful that you have the nerves of steel and the skill to bring down a charging animal with one shot. I don't and I don't have the time to practice.

All in all this thread has been a good dialog. I do not understand the extremes of the argument for or against guns.

P.S. Just admit it guys, you bring them camping because they are fun to shoot and you can in the outside. :elkgrin:

wow 46 guns to a camp yeah unless I am specifically going to go shooting I bring 1 or 2 depending on my agenda on a trip. I generally like to have a rifle on me, but if I am packing with all of my camera equipment thats can be tough. I generally will have my pistol at my side.
It does take time, practice and patience are a combo that can not be short changed. if your not comfortable with a firearm, by all means do not use one. there is nothing more deadly than someone who is inexperienced with firearms packing one for safety (for some reason the movie irobot with Will Smith just popped in my head lol). I feel that people who carry anywhere with out ample practice time should have their heads examined. You would be surprised at the number of folks that take the time to shoot regularly though. maybe not so much on the cities, but out here, your never more than 10 minutes from a safe area to shoot.
I agree after some of the ball wacking on both sides diminished this has been a great convo.
And your right I do enjoy shooting. If I did not enjoy it I would not be competent enough to use them as I do.


It's also a perfect example of the state of fear you guys are living in. Nice how they include a... what is that... a book or a DVD about bear attacks?

I fired a S&W 500. It's a ************* stupid gun. You've got one shot, so you better make it count. In the time it takes you to reposition, somebody with a semi-auto 9mm will have emptied their clip, or the bear will have closed range.

Ignorant, not sure if you saw the link I posted earlier with similar info. A study done up in Alaska showed bear spray was what... 96 or 97% effective in stopping an attack, and IIRC, the other 3-4% were not killed.

Yet these same guys go on and on about "it's a tool" and "being prepared" and "Rather have it than need it", etc. But you want to bet they don't carry a can of bear spray IN ADDITION to a gun?

This isn't about numbers or reality. This is religion. Religion allows them to deny the numbers, and create their own reality.

These guys are 10 times more likely to get hit by lightning than they are to get attacked by anything. Yet you think they carry a SPOT device, HAM radio, or any form of long-range communication? I bet most of them don't. But it's all about "being prepared", "having and not needing", isn't it?

Oh, but they can fire a gun off into the air to create a non-directional, non-specific signal to... somebody who might hear it, maybe, if they're lucky.

Rob, that is just marketing. Why else would somebody buy a weapon like that? As far as usefulness, it is debateable; you may be able to empty the mag on your 9mm, but are you having any effects on the bear other than making it angry? The .500 WILL have effects on the bear if you hit it. Using large hard cast bullets that break bones on impact will take a bear down and allow a follow up shot. That being said, I will never buy a .500.....

I backpack quite often, so I have to watch my weight. Taking a pistol AND bear spray is not practical, so I take the one that is more useful overall. (I also bring the dog--maybe he can carry the spray....) For camping, I probably should get some bear spray, but to be honest, if a bear comes into my camp site, it needs to be dispatched.

I have 5 kids, so spraying a bear so that it can come back while we are trying to pack everything up is counterproductive. Most folks gloss over the fact that the spray becomes an attractant after it disperses. I don't want that bear and every other bear in the area coming to visit while I HAVE to pack up because I just made my camp site bear bait..... Animals are smart--when deer season comes around, the big bucks hunker down in the bush. If a few more bears get shot around campsites, then bears won't come around so much. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy viewing wildlife and think bears are beautiful, but I don't put their well being over me and mine. If the dog and a little noise won't scare a bear off, then it is game on.

If I was going out alone, then yes I would carry a SPOT device. Same with a HAM radio. I don't go out alone much, so I haven't bothered with either just yet.

Every person who has ever taken hunter safety knows about signaling with a firearm. Don't discount it until you learn about it.

Religion requires faith. I'd say you have more of a religion because you have faith that you will not be attacked. I hope that I am not attacked, but am ready for it anyway.

Once again, this is not about fear. I can't defend myself from lightning--you should know better than to be throwing fallacies around like that.....

Anyhow, happy Tuesday!



Photographer in the Wild
SPOT or SARSAT devises are pretty cool. but they are an after the fact deal. plus they are very expensive. Ham radios are always nice but the range on most handhelds are not that great and if your in the bottom of a canyon it is pretty well useless.

I like the idea behind the bell but who wants to hear that while walking in the woods. whistles do come in handy, no doubt about it. I never carry one but thats just me.

I have always liked these as well. I have only fired one in a small caliber but for a single shot big gun...
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