Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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Photographer in the Wild
also here is a .500 S&W that might be a little more manageable



I read all the post , we all have our opinion base in some points of our life and our PERSONAL acknowledge .

Last year in California Spanish ValLey two bears start run from a bushes strait at me , i was catch in huge surprise...froze and forgets pull out bear spray or knife at that moment ...they peaceful pass me run dawn to the hill.

Well my point , if animal attack usually in moment of surprise when we are not prepare at all (or we should keep weapon with out a safety:) all the time as we in enemy territory :cool:))

IN 99% Animal give a signal before attack to prevent pass they territory , from rattle snake to black mamba or kodiak bear , puma or you named . Any animal did not like when we pass they area ( hay do you like if some body walk in a bath room when you joy a morning news paper ) , we simple mast respect wild creatures and paid attention when we in they territory , or be keep a finger at a trigger :)
When camping simple wire a camp side (no lend mine or acoustic grenade please / think about a neighbors ):)

Other story , Bad land NP SD i walk in canyon relax and proud , when see A rattle snake ON top of the stone catch a early morning sun , so my personal stupidity came close as close it possible and try to make a moment of life my best photo shot , snake in some point was ..more smart as me , and try to ignore be a model... . simple start run a way .
Well i more aggressive in that point and still try to make a photo ignore her personality ...well when she attack me finally i do not have choice only to kill her , that a total my fall , i still fill guilty to that creature but at least i respect her and eat a meat :chef:/ as rolls of life said newer kill for a pleasure , all the time respect your enemy.

Nay i came to My point :if i do not bother her she(snake ) will newer attack me , my question_ should i care all the time wood stick with me in case of snake on my way or i simple keep attention and watch on sides when i walk ???

What REALLY bother me :ylsmoke:: when some not so gentelmans :elkgrin: in some areas: ...when they see a different state license plate in a car ( I am proud to be from NY ) :smiley_drive:, they start play a game of muscle :sombrero:....what to do in that point ?

What type of weapon i should use in that point above .:drool:
I love knife and proud to be used...only legal point of that aspect ?:ylsmoke:
Can we start new conversation , what to do to prevent bad gays ruin our joy of peace in mother nature ????

More i know some bad people more i respect and fall in love with a wild animals .

Trolly sincerely to all members , Alex
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Photographer in the Wild
Mamontof, if i read your post correctly.
I want to point out that snakes are a different deal. If you see a snake far enough ahead it is easy to just go around. I have been is a couple of different scenarios. Once as a kid i was running around in the foothills with some of my younger cousins. walking up a steep hill I started to put my hand down to climb a small ledge and almost grabbed a rattle snake. turned out I was standing in the middle of a den. I slowly back away and then went around to study the snakes from a safe spot. all together we seen 13 stakes and no one got hurt.
the other experiences have been to surprise the snake which in turn surprised me with a bite attempt. wearing high top leather boots saved me from a hospital trip at least.

as far as the human animal. people that will just not take back off for an answer, once the show an overly aggressive action toward me it is my right to defend myself with what ever means necessary. If you prefer the knife that is your business, I prefer a gun myself.


Getting on the subject of snakes....I once had a snake point a gun at me and let me tell you!

We both agreed to back away slowly and leave the area.

I never did see him again.


I carry a rattle snake in case I come across any bad guys.

Question: How big of a rattle snake do you need to stop a grizzly bear attack?


I want to point out that snakes are a different deal.

Dos meter snake or animal when we on trip simple paid attention what on our side or way , i see people walk in cow brown spots simple because did not paid attention where to step and blame cowboys after :Wow1:
That like one hunter hunt with a bunch of dogs and did not shut nothing other hunt by him self with a arrows and bring so many ducks on his belt , simple we mast paid attention what surround as.

If you prefer the knife that is your business, I prefer a gun myself.

With respect , Alex
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Expedition Key

Ok, I am completely shocked by the number of responses, I can't even keep up.

If I do purchase a gun, I'm now looking at Beretta 84 FS Cheetah .380, Beretta PX4 Storm9MM, Beretta 92FS 9MM, Walther PPK.380, Walther PPS 9MM, Ruger LCP .380, I'm also curious about the CZ handguns.

Feedback please



Expedition Leader
Ok, I am completely shocked by the number of responses, I can't even keep up.

If I do purchase a gun, I'm now looking at Beretta 84 FS Cheetah .380, Beretta PX4 Storm9MM, Beretta 92FS 9MM, Walther PPK.380, Walther PPS 9MM, Ruger LCP .380, I'm also curious about the CZ handguns.

Feedback please


If .380 is your choice, I suggest the bersa thunder...for less than $300.00, usually, you get a very good gun. I owned mine for about two years before trading it to my dad. It's very comfy, reliable, and looks just like the walther, but with a better mag release. (some walthers have the mag. release on the bottom of the grip. hard to do with one hand. )

Check out the Nato approved, totally awesome CZ-75 P-01 9mm. Its got an alloy frame, steel slide, and is DA/SA. Meaning, the first shot can be double action or single action, with every shot after that being single action. I had one of these and with a short picatinny light rail, it packs a lot of features into a very small package...

I personally like the standard CZ-75 for several reasons, too. for one, it has a safety just like a 1911, and is single action just like the 1911. That means that you rack the slide, putting a bullet in the chamber, put on the safety and then put it in your holster(its called being cocked and locked). You are unable to pull the trigger accidentally(in theory, if you've put the safety on), yet are immediately able to unholster, sweep the safety, and fire it.

Other guns like the bersa, a revolver, a glock, an XD-45, etc. are able to be fired in the holster accidentally. They have passive safety's and de-cockers, but with the passive safetys, you are defeating most of them just by holding it...add your trigger near the finger and that's how accidents happen.

De-cocking a DA/SA gun does not "safety" it. It simply requires more pressure to pull the trigger (about 12lbs as opposed to 3 or 4lbs).

If you apply the safety on a 1911 or CZ75, as you are reholstering, this can really never happen, and is very safe, yet ready to fire very quickly

Another option with the above mentioned DA/SA guns (glock, XD9, etc) is what's called Isreali carry. Their forces are trained to have an unloaded gun with a full magazine in a holster. This gun is NOT able to be fired as the chamber is empty.

If needed to be used quickly, they rapidly draw the gun, rack the slide, (which puts a round in the chamber), and align their sights on target. Many people consider this to be unwise, but I've seen a few demonstrations of this type of carry, and when done right, is as fast as a single action (1911, CZ75) pistol draw.


Welcome to Nevadafornia
I'd really like a CZ 75 eventually. As of now my only hand gun is a Glock 17.

I carry that in a serpa paddle holster and a pocket knife camping and I usually have an AR and a bolt gun with me too. I've never had any close close calls but there have been times where I was glad I had a weapon.

I feel that a Glock, XD etc... are completely safe as long as you practice trigger discipline, are aware of anything near your trigger guard as you holster your weapon, and that you never try to catch one if it's falling.
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Expedition Leader
I'd really like a CZ 75 eventually. As of now my only hand gun is a Glock 17.

I carry that and a pocket knife camping and I usually have an AR and a bolt gun with me too. I've never had any close close calls but there have been times where I was glad I had a weapon.

I feel that a Glock, XD etc... are completely safe as long as you practice trigger discipline, are aware of anything near your trigger guard as you holster your weapon, and that you never try to catch one if it's falling.

yup. trigger discipline is the key...accidental discharges are a big problem, nonetheless, (probably with both types)

I think, having had both types, I'm just more comfortable with the "cocked and locked" idea. Also for some reason Striker fired DAO guns seem to have a really heavy spring that's hard for my wife to manipulate. Possibly because those guns have to load a round AND pull back the firing pin, rather than just loading a round and resetting the sear/hammer?.

On the contrary, most 1911/CZ75's have reletively light springs and are easy for her to rack. (Don't know much more than that...just an observation)

Glocks are nice, too. The grips are uncomfortable for me, tho. Weird.

To the OP, it's definitely worth your time to go to a store or range and handle all the guns you're considering. A springfield armory XD9, and a Glock may look somewhat similar, but to me, feel completely different when in hand...


Ok, I am completely shocked by the number of responses, I can't even keep up.

If I do purchase a gun, I'm now looking at Beretta 84 FS Cheetah .380, Beretta PX4 Storm9MM, Beretta 92FS 9MM, Walther PPK.380, Walther PPS 9MM, Ruger LCP .380, I'm also curious about the CZ handguns.

Feedback please


Have you had a chance to get to a range and try them out? As Big Daddy mentions, you may be surprised at what works for you versus what you think is a nice weapon. A Glock 21 works well for me compared to a Glock 17 even though the 21 seems a little large for my grip. I was also surprised when I first tried a military issue Beretta 9mm (long time ago). That thing was very nice. It may be that the extra frame and slide weight work better for me than a lightweight handgun. Revolvers are fun too!


Photographer in the Wild
Having just bought a pistol (Taurus PT145 pro) I like the safety that they incorporate into both the slide when not in use and the thumb safety while in use. I tested roughly 35 pistols before I bought. The Glock 21, taurus 24/7, XD, and Taurus PT145 where the only pistols that fit right. I did not care for the trigger pull or grip feel in the Rugers which was disappointing because I love Ruger and have several revolvers and rifles from them. The 24/7 was what I originally ordered but later found out the model I tested and the model I was gonna get were very different in trigger pull Thanks to california gun restrictions and an ignorant dealer. The Glock G21 was a great fit and almost came home with me. but I decided on a the 145pro because of the compact size,over all feel in handling, and it is the same build as the 24/7pro mechanically with a shorter barrel and smaller grip. great little gun over all.
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