Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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I still firmly believe in the rule of...

....Id rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.


New member
Man vs.Nature

Not bring a gun into the woods!?
Please stop with politicaly correct talk, we are humans who have developed weapons to protect ourselves. I never camp without my AR-15 and a side arm. I also clean up more than I bring in, and would never harm an animal with out provication. Guns do not decide for themselves to shoot, so look at yourself when hesitant to posses one.


Life is not some crappy Michael Moore flick. While we don't run around chewing our fingernails and screaming like a little girl at the slightest sound... I am primarily responsible for the safety of myself and my family, and take that responsibility seriously.

So, yes. I do take a firearm with me when going into the woods. Just like I take a knife, a stove, and many other useful tools.


New member
well said. A gun is a tool.

"a scalpel can either save your life or take it. You don't make it safe by throwing it away. You put it in the hands of someone who knows what their doing." -John Eldredge (roughly Eldredge)

I carry when camping for many reasons, and have my bearings set on where the firearm is and what it is capabe of.


New member here but I thought I'd weigh in on this topic.

I'm a certified handgun instructor and also an instructor at a monthly combat class that covers all aspects of combat from gun, to knife, to hand to hand, to verbal, etc.

With that said, I'm almost always armed. I try to live by the Marine saying of - "Be polite, be professional, but be prepared to kill everyone you meet."

I never understood people who go out into the world thinking that nothing could ever happen to them or that they would just try to deal with it if it happened. I guess I just value my life and my family members' lives differently than people who don't believe in meeting violence with greater violence.


OverCamping Specialist
I really like these two quotes :D


Not at all. if honest citizens were allowed to excursive their constitutional rights the country as a whole would be much safer. A strong showing of arms through out a community will always trump a criminals desire to commit the crime. but when all the honest citizens have laid down their firearms only the criminals will have guns.

I always pack heat in Baja - A flare gun.

It ain't accurate but would work in a pinch.


You never know when/where trouble will find you, despite your best efforts to avoid it.

I'd no more head out in the boonies without a pistol and rifle than I would with a half tank of gas and no extra food/water/1st aid kit/spare tire,etc.

Best to be prepared. Mentally and gear-wise.

But that's just me....

:ar15: <zombies>
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My 2yr old and I are just about to do the Trans Labrador Highway where the nearest help is hours and hours away, and the bears and the wolves outnumber people 5 to 1 (or so they say). It was recommended that I take a shotgun and slugs with me - makes sense.

I now have a Mossberg 590A1 tactical shotgun with slugs going along for the ride.

I'm not a gun guy - don't own any other weapons, but I will tell you, that my love for all living things goes right out the window when one of those living things gets between me and one of mine.

I'm not paranoid and I'm not the worrying type, but that 'be prepared' thing that I got as a young man has worked well for me all of my life.

Be prepared.



My 2yr old and I are just about to do the Trans Labrador Highway where the nearest help is hours and hours away, and the bears and the wolves outnumber people 5 to 1 (or so they say). It was recommended that I take a shotgun and slugs with me - makes sense.

I now have a Mossberg 590A1 tactical shotgun with slugs going along for the ride.

I'm not a gun guy - don't own any other weapons, but I will tell you, that my love for all living things goes right out the window when one of those living things gets between me and one of mine.

I'm not paranoid and I'm not the worrying type, but that 'be prepared' thing that I got as a young man has worked well for me all of my life.

Be prepared.


Please take the 590 to the range and put a couple boxes of a,mmo through it BEFORE you need it make sure you're proficient with it. Understand how to clean and field strip it, too. Having a weapon is great but as dangerous as giving a teen a car without training.

Have fun on your trip.
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