Coward is a stupid word!! just because someone doesn't share Your view doesn't make them a coward!! I agree with KiwiKurt that society isn't worth saving!!
I carry for MY safety and the safety of those that I care about, NOT to protect an unknown adult who put themselves in a bad place, relationship or circumstance!!
those people are in those positions because of the choices they made and it is not my place to be their guardians! Does that make me a coward?
That being said, I would lay down my life to save a child in ANY situation regardless of the consequences!! I also would step in to help senior citizens, pets and most law enforcement depending on what I observe to be happening!
Carrying a firearm does NOT make you law enforcement or vigilante, it does not mean that you are required to play those parts in ANY instance, but it is your right to do so IF you feel it to be necessary!!
Remember that every time someone uses a firearm in a stupid way it gives the crybabies-handwringers-antigun morons a reason to scream for the outright ban on what our founding fathers decreed to be a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE of these United States!!!!!!!!!!
Support the 2nd Amendment in an intelligent manner so we can enjoy it forever!!
It has absolutely NOTHING to do with having a gun, even if I didnt have a gun I would do the same thing. The time I broke up that tackled the guy that was hitting a girl I didn't have a gun on me.
People don't always have a choice in the matter and its not always a choice that puts them in a situation where they are getting hurt. Do some people choose to stay with an abusive partner? Absolutely. That doesn't mean everyone that needs help put themselves in that situation. Its not someones choice that leads to them getting raped, its not someones choice that leads to them getting jumped in the street and robbed, its not someones choice to become a victim of knockout, its not someones choice to become a victim.
How would you feel if your wife was walking down the street and someone attacked her but everyone just walked by because it "wasn't there fight"? I bet you would be pretty pissed. Everyone that needs help is someones wife, someones child, someones mom, someones dad, someones best friend, someones someone important. If you live in such a state where helping someone in need will send you to jail its pretty clear that its not a state someone should be living in. You say society isn't worth saving, maybe thats because too many people walk by those in need or do not feel that changing laws to insure protection of those who need help is worth the effort.
Like I said its not about having a gun or not, I would do the same regardless. I don't think that saving a life is ever a stupid reason and I think most people would agree with that. Saving a victim has nothing to do with trying to be a hero or be a vigilantly. I don't go out looking for a fight, I don't go looking for criminals, that being said if I see it I will do something about it if I can. If that response means just yelling to draw attention to the situation, running over to get between to people, tackle someone to get them off another person they are assaulting, or drawing on someone using a firearm in a crime I will do it for the safety of others. You guys all seem to assume that carry owners are untrained in how to deal with situations or how to accurately fire a weapon if the situation calls for it. That is grossly untrue, 95% of the carriers I know train weekly. I personally have a range at my house that I train 3 nights a week on. I have been to countless trainings to put the odds in my favor regardless of the situation, everyone from talking down an aggressor, to disarming a person with a knife or a gun, first aid/cpr, hand to hand combat, defensive hand combat, every type of firearms training and situation you can think of, etc. Again, it has nothing to do with being a hero but everything to do with making myself a better person and able to have the skills and knowledge available to me should I ever need it. Before you say all that training is proof I am looking for a fight I am not, but should a situation present itself that you might need that information would you rather be a helpless sheep one someone with the ability to control the situation and push it in your favor? Why WOULDN'T you want to know that information and have that skill set available to you?
I guess though I just cannot wrap my head around your statement that every victim put themselves in that situation, I think that is a ridiculous claim and someone you tell yourself to justify not getting involved. Would you stop to help someone with a flat tire on the side of the road? You can die helping them change it if someone drives by and doesn't pay attention and side swipes you. What about someone stuck in a car that crashed? Would you drive by or stop to help them knowing that the car is on fire and could consume you? Or would you leave them to their fate? What about someone that is drowning? Would you dive in and go after them or let them figure it out on their own because its not your fight? What about someone who tripped and fell on a bunch of rocks down a hill? Would you leave them or go help them knowing you could possibly fall as well? All of these situations are no different than someone who got jumped in the street, car jacked, attacked, robbed, etc. Someone needing help is someone needing help, the only reason society wouldn't be worth saving is because people choose not to help others and only help themselves. Think about how much better the world would be if the people that lived in it stopped being selfish and helped those in need regardless of the situation. I bet it would be a hell of a lot better place and a place worth saving. Serious question though, if society isn't worth saving then why do the people that say that continue to have children knowing they are going to raise them in a place that is getting worse? Force them to live in what you deem is a horrible place that is worth no effort to save? Seems like you are forcing them to live a life time in what you refer to as a hell hole and to only look out for themselves. Seems like by having kids you are actually saving society by continuing to refresh the population.