Is outside
What happens if I cut you off on the road and then flip you off? What if you are drunk and bump into my wife in the parking lot. And I tell your drunk *** to "blank" off. And then stick my finger an inch from your face? You consider that an assault, a mortal threat or just appropriately invading your space. What's your response? Yours maybe measured and appropriate but don,t for one second that the narcissistic gamer generation will respond appropriately.
Should I go around wondering if someone carrying a pistol just lost their dog and broke up with their girlfriend?
Scratch the surface of a human and you get not much more than a pissed off chimp. Now let it walk around with a gun all the time.
This is a waste of time.
The logic goes, well he is armed so I gotta be armed.
Blah, blah, blah.
This is a fine example of how some peoples thought process is controlled by their emotions.This person lives life thinking everybody around him is like himself and can not make decisions past his emotions.No critical thought process and spends his life gripped in fear that everybody around him is like himself.
news flash....they are not.
I find this topic to be strictly an "AMERICAN" thing. And funny enough American's do not travel even remotely as much as the rest of the world. Which case I associate this topic to be 100% American paranoia due to a severe lack of Adventure beyond its own borders. Most people with extensive traveling experience due to both regulations and lots of experience do not carry weapons. This is strictly an American thing and a very low % of American's at that.
I find this topic to be strictly an "AMERICAN" thing. And funny enough American's do not travel even remotely as much as the rest of the world. Which case I associate this topic to be 100% American paranoia due to a severe lack of Adventure beyond its own borders. Most people with extensive traveling experience due to both regulations and lots of experience do not carry weapons. This is strictly an American thing and a very low % of American's at that.
Scratch the surface of a human and you get not much more than a pissed off chimp.
I find this topic to be strictly an "AMERICAN" thing. And funny enough American's do not travel even remotely as much as the rest of the world. Which case I associate this topic to be 100% American paranoia due to a severe lack of Adventure beyond its own borders. Most people with extensive traveling experience due to both regulations and lots of experience do not carry weapons. This is strictly an American thing and a very low % of American's at that.