Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?



I don't know how there is any question with regards to the second amendment. I'm a Canadian so I have no dog in this fight, I am however literate which is all thats required to know for a fact that Americans have an individual constitutional right to bare arms up to and including what is carried by the average infantrymen. The militia referred to has historically consisted of every able bodied man in the county, state and nation. Do people think that the founding fathers somehow wrote one thing and meant another? Or that if they meant for a right to be collective, when every other right is individual, they wouldn't have expressly said so. Anyways keep on fighting for your rights folks or you will end up in the same fight we are in up here to have your common law rights respected.

You'd think when the CZAR of DHS labeled those advocating the constitution and other American values are terrorists or a potential terrorist threat it would raise the private American citizens eyebrows, not even a whimper for fear has a firm grip upon them.:ylsmoke:


Gung Ho American's or?

Hows this analogy;
"The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America has no teeth as American's whimper before The CZAR of DHS and her deadly enforcers"!

The last men with backbone in America stood and used force of arms against tyranny in Athens Tenn. 1946

This bring to mind the word diplomacy; in order for diplomacy to have any effect there must be some threat to go with it, there is no threat of militia these days that's why tyrants are so successful at taking whatever they want from the private American citizen.

So, do you really think an amendment has teeth without the backbone to enforce it?

have a nice day, I'm going fishing!



Hows this analogy;
"The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America has no teeth as American's whimper before The CZAR of DHS and her deadly enforcers"!

The last men with backbone in America stood and used force of arms against tyranny in Athens Tenn. 1946

This bring to mind the word diplomacy; in order for diplomacy to have any effect there must be some threat to go with it, there is no threat of militia these days that's why tyrants are so successful at taking whatever they want from the private American citizen.

So, do you really think an amendment has teeth without the backbone to enforce it?

have a nice day, I'm going fishing!


I don't want to be involved with the CURRENT militias in existence. Far too many of them are cast in a very negative light, regardless of their real intentions. I'm armed, I know and train with other well-armed people. Some are former military, many are former or current LE. If the line were truly crossed, we could organize and stabilize our area. We are not an official organization, and therefore are not on "lists" of people to apprehend. Though, I imagine just the number of 4473's we've collectively filed will make us an object of interest.

Your analysis is correct, to a point. There is no longer an established network of militias in the US. But, there are 300,000,000 privately held firearms, and an awful lot of troops in the military who very likely would not turn guns on American citizens, under any circumstances.


DHS buys 100's millions of rounds

I don't want to be involved with the CURRENT militias in existence. Far too many of them are cast in a very negative light, regardless of their real intentions. I'm armed, I know and train with other well-armed people. Some are former military, many are former or current LE. If the line were truly crossed, we could organize and stabilize our area. We are not an official organization, and therefore are not on "lists" of people to apprehend. Though, I imagine just the number of 4473's we've collectively filed will make us an object of interest.

Your analysis is correct, to a point. There is no longer an established network of militias in the US. But, there are 300,000,000 privately held firearms, and an awful lot of troops in the military who very likely would not turn guns on American citizens, under any circumstances.

Another interesting current event is that DHS has ordered 100's of millions rounds of small arms ammunition not long after another large order of 100's millions of rounds, I'll reserve further comment on this.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Did they order or place options on them? I think a lot are for future delivery. And todays militia's are a little kooky for most part. Some start out as good ideas but quickly evolve into hate.
Another interesting current event is that DHS has ordered 100's of millions rounds of small arms ammunition not long after another large order of 100's millions of rounds, I'll reserve further comment on this.


Ammo purchase?

Did they order or place options on them? I think a lot are for future delivery. And todays militia's are a little kooky for most part. Some start out as good ideas but quickly evolve into hate.

I actually failed to finish my thought on this, the military in Nam it took about 50k rounds expended to one kill, in SW Asia it took about 8+- times that amount for each kill so its really no big deal how many rounds DHS buys because their ratio per kill would need to be much higher IMHO.

The hate label is used quite well by propagandist who believe the constitution stands in the way of their agenda. Least we forget the successful "tell a big enough lie and tell often and the people will believe it" used by the 3rd Reich perhaps derived from the Machiavellian experience/influence. I do not give any thought to the entities that are so-called not for profits that spew forth such bull excrement to demonize any militia, fear generates big $$$$ so they do what do to even fabricate bull excrement for the donation, a pressing question does come to mind that is; "would people donate if they could have a tax write off" the resounding answer to that is NO!:ylsmoke:


Relating to this topic historic thoughts of former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt on last documented use of force of arms by citizens formed as militia which was in 1946 in Athens Tenn.

SOURCE: The Daily Post-Athenian, Athens, Tenn., August 7, 1946; pages 1, 6.
Mrs. Roosevelt Grasps Local Facts Better Than Most
Editor's Note — Our attention has been called to Mrs. Roosevelt's column upon McMinn. She seems to have grasped the facts and significance better than any other outside writer:
McMinn A Warning — By Eleanor Roosevelt
New York, Monday — After any war, the use of force throughout the world is almost taken for granted. Men involved in the war have been trained to use force, and they have discovered that, when you want something, you can take it. The return to peacetime methods governed by law and persuasion is usually difficult.
We in the U.S.A., who have long boasted that, in our political life, freedom in the use of the secret ballot made it possible for us to register the will of the people without the use of force, have had a rude awakening as we read of conditions in McMinn County, Tennessee, which brought about the use of force in the recent primary. If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions.
In this particular case, a group of young veterans organized to oust the local machine and elect their own slate in the primary. We may deplore the use of force but we must also recognize the lesson which this incident points for us all. When the majority of the people know what they want, they will obtain it.
Any local, state or national government, or any political machine, in order to live, must give the people assurance that they can express their will freely and that their votes will be counted. The most powerful machine cannot exist without the support of the people. Political bosses and political machinery can be good, but the minute they cease to express the will of the people, their days are numbered.
This is a lesson which wise political leaders learn young, and you can be pretty sure that, when a boss stays in power, he gives the majority of the people what they think they want. If he is bad and indulges in practices which are dishonest, or if he acts for his own interests alone, the people are unwilling to condone these practices.
When the people decide that conditions in their town, county, state or country must change, they will change them. If the leadership has been wise, they will be able to do it peacefully through a secret ballot which is honestly counted, but if the leader has become inflated and too sure of his own importance, he may bring about the kind of action which was taken in Tennessee.
If we want to continue to be a mature people who, at home and abroad, settle our difficulties peacefully and not through the use of force, then we will take to heart this lesson and we will jealously guard our rights. What goes on before an election, the threats or persuasion by political leaders, may be bad but it cannot prevent the people from really registering their will if they wish to.
The decisive action which has just occurred in our midst is a warning, and one which we cannot afford to overlook.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
So in Athens they overthrew the local gov? It said the majority of the people knew what they wanted. If it was a majority could they not just vote them out at next election?



So in Athens they overthrew the local gov? It said the majority of the people knew what they wanted. If it was a majority could they not just vote them out at next election?

NOPE the citizens could not vote them out because of use of force or the threat thereof was the reality forced upon them by the Sheriff his deputies and a county official the people had realized they could not longer get a fair election so they armed themselves as militia and used force of arms to oust the tyrants then the next day held an open and fair election.

The citizens never pressed to charge any involved in the tainting of the election process.



American Adventurist
So in Athens they overthrew the local gov? It said the majority of the people knew what they wanted. If it was a majority could they not just vote them out at next election?

Cronyism and nepotism ruled that locality; they stuffed the ballot boxes to skew the election. There was no chance of a fair election since they ran the process. Despite an investigation afterwards, the state chose not to prosecute anyone.


NOPE the citizens could not vote them out because of use of force or the threat thereof was the reality forced upon them by the Sheriff his deputies and a county official the people had realized they could not longer get a fair election so they armed themselves as militia and used force of arms to oust the tyrants then the next day held an open and fair election.
Actually, the current officials took the ballot boxes to the county jail with plans to count them in secret. All the vets did was dynamite the jail house doors and take the boxes back. There was no second election, they won by a landslide in the original.

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