We do have the right to "keep and bear small arms that are identical to those carried by our military today."
There is existing Federal policy, administered by the BATF, that allows any of us (albeit dependent upon ones local residence), after LE review, submitting specific documents for BATF review, and paying an additional tax to own fully automatic weapons, "any other weapons," and destructive devices.
Sad part is we still can't own our own Tomahawk Cruise Missle, though.
"NO private American citizens are not allowed to have full auto military/militia arms manufactured after MAY 1986" signed into law by Ronald Regan, so they can't possess arms that the current military/para-military (LEO's) entities have under BATF rules!
Lets examine the other way to possess full auto weapons produced before MAY 1986 THE EASY WAY! Any corporation or trust can possess such arms without any permission slip being signed by the local chief law enforcement officer, no finger prints needed, no photos needed, no background check needed just payment of the TAX is required!
NOW, I ask what kind of government would do such a thing while denying the private citizen the same right?